Delete a Result

Use this procedure to remove an existing result field name in the database.

To delete a result:

  1. On the Data Sources page, select a data source and click Next.
  2. On the Options page, select Define Results and click Next.
  3. On the Define Results page, select the result that you want to delete in the Results list and click Delete.
    The Data Tool displays a message confirming your action.
    Note: If you select a Cobra default result such as Hours, Direct, and Overhead, the Data Tool displays a message informing you that the selected result is required for demonstration data and asking you whether or not to continue.
  4. Click Yes.
  5. Click Next.
    The Confirmation page displays, informing you that the results will be modified.
    Note: Modifying the results also updates the TPHASE table by adding or deleting columns with the corresponding results names.
  6. Click Finish to run the data tool process.
    The Process Complete dialog box displays, informing you whether or not the Data Tool has completed with no errors. To display the corresponding processing information, click View Log.