Data Tool Wizard

The Data Tool Wizard consists of pages which allow you to define the connection information between Cobra and a database.

  • Data Sources: This page contains a list of existing database connections or data sources, along with detailed information about each connection, such as database location and database type. It also allows you to manage connections by adding, editing, or deleting data sources. This page displays automatically after you log on to the Data Tool.
  • Options: This page contains a list of actions that the Data Tool can perform. This page displays when you click Next on the Data Sources page.
  • Link to External Database: This page displays if the main database has PM Compass 8.2 tables. By using this page, you can link the main database to the BCR Snapshot database. This page is placed after the Options page or the Define Results page and before the Confirmation page.
    Attention: For more information on the BCR Analysis report, see "The BCR Snapshot Database" in the Deltek Cobra Installation Guide.
  • Define Results: This page contains a list of results, such as Overhead and GA, that you can use in the installation. This page only displays when you select Define Results and click Next on the Options page.
  • Confirmation: This page allows you to confirm all your changes and start a selected process. This page displays when you click Next on the Options page. If your selection includes Define results, this page displays when you click Next on the Define Results page.
If you have two or more databases to be used by Cobra, you can add them in the Data Tool. All data sources defined in the Data Tool display in the Data Source drop-down list in the Cobra Login dialog box.