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ProjectOperations Methods

The ProjectOperations type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleAdvanceCalendar(AdvanceCalendarServiceArguments)
Run the Advance Calendar.
Public methodAdvanceCalendar(AdvanceCalendarServiceArguments) Obsolete.
Run the Advance Calendar.
Public methodCode exampleCalculateApportionment
Run the Calculate Apportionment.
Public methodCode exampleCalculateEarnedValue
Run the Calculate Earned Value.
Public methodCode exampleCalculateForecast(CalculateForecastServiceArguments)
Run the Calculate Forecast.
Public methodCalculateForecast(CalculateForecastServiceArguments) Obsolete.
Run the Calculate Forecast.
Public methodCode exampleCalculateProgress
Run the Calculate Progress.
Public methodCopyControlAccount
Create a new control account by copying an existing one.
Public methodCode exampleCopyProject
Copy project to a new Cobra project.
Public methodCopyWorkPackage
Create a new work package by copying an existing one.
Public methodCreateClass
Create custom actual, budget, earned or forecast cost classes.
Public methodCreateControlAccount
Create a new control account.
Public methodCreateProjectOperationsServiceArgumentsTProjectOperationsServiceArguments
Creates an instance of TProjectOperationsServiceArguments class.
Public methodCreateWorkPackage
Create a new work package.
Public methodCode exampleDeleteProject
Delete a project.
Public methodCode exampleDeleteResourceAssignment(DeleteResourceAssignmentServiceArguments)
Delete a resource assignment.
Public methodCode exampleDeleteResourceAssignment(DeleteResourceAssignmentServiceArguments)
Delete resource assignments.
Public methodCode exampleDeleteWorkPackage(DeleteWorkPackageServiceArguments)
Delete a work package.
Public methodCode exampleDeleteWorkPackage(DeleteWorkPackageServiceArguments)
Delete work packages.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleGetProjectClasses
Get a list of projects and their associated classes.
Public methodCode exampleGetProjectProperties
Get a list of projects with their properties.
Public methodGetTimePhasedSpread
Get Time-Phased Spread.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleMoveWorkPackage
Move a work package to another control account.
Public methodCode exampleRecalculate(RecalculateServiceArguments)
Run the Recalculate.
Public methodRecalculate(RecalculateServiceArguments)
Run multiple Recalculate.
Public methodRecalculate(RecalculateServiceArguments)
This method is obsolete. Use the Recalculate(Cobra.Model.WebService.RecalculateServiceArguments) method instead. Run the Recalculate.
Public methodCode exampleReclass
Run the Reclass.
Public methodCode exampleReplan
Run the Replan.
Public methodCode exampleRespread(RespreadServiceArguments)
Run the Respread
Public methodRespread(RespreadServiceArguments)
Run multiple Respread.
Public methodRespread(RespreadServiceArguments) Obsolete.
This method is obsolete. Use the Respread(Cobra.Model.WebService.RespreadServiceArguments) method instead. Run the Respread.
Public methodCode exampleRollingWave
Run the Rolling Wave.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleUpdateTotals
Run the Update Totals.
See Also