Codes and Structures Page of the Cost Data Wizard

Use this page to select the control account and work package code assignments and associated structures to be exported.

Control Account Tab or Work Package Tab

Use this tab to select the control account and/or work package code assignments to be exported.

Click the Control Account tab to display control account code assignments 1-9 defined on the selected project, regardless of code field type.

Click the Work Package tab to display work package code assignments 1-9 defined on the selected project, regardless of code field type.

Note: This page displays the information specified on the Control Account Codes tab or on the Work Package Codes tab of the Fields tab of the Project Properties dialog box for the selected Cobra project.

Codes used to map WBS and OBS on the Export Structures page may not be selected again on this page.

Field Description
Number This field displays the location of the codes on the control account or work package.
Prompt This field displays the user prompt for each code field.
Code File This field displays the names of the code files. This check box is blank if the code field type is not Code (optional) or Code (required).
Export Value

Select this check box to export the value assigned to the control account or work package code. By default, this check box is cleared.

Export Structure

Select this check box to export the associated code file structure. This field is only enabled when exporting the DCDE format. By default, this check box is cleared.

If you select Deltek Common Data on the Project and Format page, take note of the following:
  • For code-validated fields, the Export Structure check box is disabled if the Export Value check box is cleared. You can only export the structure if you export the associated code value.
  • For non-code validated fields, the Export Structure check box is always disabled. There is no structure to export for this field type (for example, Text or User Field).
  • The Export Value check box and the Export Structure check box are both disabled if you are exporting control account code assignments that have already been defined as WBS or OBS.
If you select IPMDAR —Contract Performance Format on the Project and Format page, take note of the following:
  • The Export Structure check box is always disabled even if the Export Value check box is selected. WBS and OBS are the only structures exported to the IPMDAR.
  • The selected codes are included as custom fields in the following JSON tables:
    • ControlAccountCustomFieldDefinitions
    • ControlAccountCustomFieldValues
    • WorkPackageCustomFieldDefinitions
    • WorkPackageCustomFieldValuesCustomFieldEnums