The Pipeline Revenue Forecast Exclusion pie chart displays the total amount of forecasted revenue for the analysis period and the total amount of the current pipeline that was not allocated because the opportunity records were missing revenue forecast start or end dates. Use this chart to confirm that all pipeline amounts are included in the forecasted revenue amounts.
In this topic |
If the Pipeline Revenue Forecast Exclusion chart is not visible, click the Exclusions and Detail tab.
Chart Item |
Description |
Pie chart wedges |
This pie chart contains, at most, two wedges: one that represents the total amount of forecasted revenue and one that represents the pipeline amount for opportunities that are missing the dates necessary to calculate forecasted revenue. |
Data Item |
Description |
Pipeline amount not included in forecast |
This segment of the pie chart represents the sum of the pipeline amounts for opportunities in the current pipeline that were not included in forecasted revenue because one or both of the dates needed to determine the allocation time period are missing. |
Forecasted revenue |
This segment of the pie chart represents the sum of all opportunity forecasted revenue for the analysis period. |
For descriptions of the sources of the chart data, see Data Sources.
To calculate forecasted revenue for an opportunity, Capture Analytics requires a revenue forecast start date and end date. During the configuration process, your system administrator selects the two date fields from opportunity records in GovWin Capture Management that contain those dates. If an opportunity record is missing one or both of the dates, that opportunity's pipeline amount cannot be allocated as forecasted revenue.
If such opportunities exist in the current pipeline, the Pipeline Revenue Forecast Exclusions chart displays a wedge for the total amount that could not be allocated as forecasted revenue. To correct this situation, do the following:
Click the Missing Date(s) wedge in the chart. This filters the Pipeline Revenue Forecast Detail table so that it only displays opportunities that are missing dates.
Using the data in the Pipeline Revenue Forecast Detail table as a checklist, add the required dates in the Opportunity Info Center in GovWin Capture Management.
After your Capture Analytics data is updated with the current GovWin Capture Management data, the pipeline for the corrected opportunity records will be included in the forecasted revenue.
Capture Analytics calculates forecasted revenue based on the current pipeline amounts for opportunities. When your firm implements Capture Analytics, it can select two amount fields from opportunity records in GovWin Capture Management to analyze as pipeline.
The options under Pipeline Amount on the Pipeline Revenue Forecast tab enable you to apply the analytics to either of those two amounts. When you select one of the options, Capture Analytics recalculates forecasted revenue using the pipeline amounts from that field in the opportunity records.
The Unweighted and Weighted options under Pipeline Probability Weighting provide the additional option to display forecasted revenue using either unweighted pipeline amounts or weighted pipeline amounts (pipeline amounts with the probabilities applied).
Capture Analytics calculates the weighted pipeline amount for each opportunity as follows: Unweighted pipeline amount × (Probability ÷ 100)
Click at the top right of the chart
to display the chart at its maximum size. Click
to restore the chart to its original size and location on the tab.
To focus the chart on one of the two values, click that wedge of the chart.
To focus the chart on a more restricted analysis period, specify the
analysis period using the analysis period bars at the top of the tab.
If you use either of the above actions to change the chart, Capture Analytics applies the same changes, as appropriate, to all other analytic objects.
Click to send the data underlying
the chart to Microsoft Excel. More...
In addition to the actions described above, you can also do the following:
Print the chart.
Email the chart.
Export chart data to a CSV file.
Attach a note to the chart.
For more on these actions, see Print, Email, or Export Analytic Data and Attach Notes to Analytics.