The standard procedure for setting up security during implementation of Capture Analytics commonly involves the following basic steps:
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Before you begin the security setup process, we recommend that you do the following:
Determine who will use Capture Analytics and what access each of them needs.
Determine which user groups you want in Capture Analytics.
Compile a list of the Capture Analytics users’ network user IDs for setting up single sign on authentication.
If your firm has Costpoint Analytics as well as Capture Analytics, it is important that you update the data models for Costpoint Analytics – Project security either before you update the data models for Costpoint Analytics – Employee and Capture Analytics or as part of the same update process.
Ideally, you should select security configuration options and prepare the security spreadsheets for all three modules, and then, when all three are prepared, do either of the following to update all data models in one process:
Run the Load Deltek CRM Analytics Publisher job and the Load Deltek Costpoint Analytics Publisher job, in that order
Run Full_CpA_with_CRM_Data_Load.bat
These procedures apply only to the standard security based on organization. They do not include security based on an alternate field. If you are going to set up security based on an alternate field for some users, refer to Set Up and Maintain Security Based on an Alternate Field.
Run the QlikView Management Console (Start » All Programs » Deltek Analytics » QlikView Management Console).
Click the System tab and the Setup subtab.
Expand Command Center, Directory Service Connectors, and DSC@<server name>.
Click Active
Directory, and click .
Click next
to the Path field.
When you click , QlikView Management Console
defaults in an LDAP server path. That
path may not be correct. If not, enter the correct path. It is
extremely important to have your network administrator verify the path.
Security will not function properly if it not correct.
In Username and Password, specify either a domain service account (recommended) or a valid domain-based user name and password.
Click Apply.
Open the CostpointAnalyticsOrgSecuritySetup.xlsx file. The file location is the <installation location>\Setup folder.
In the CostpointAnalyticsOrgSecuritySetup.xlsx file, specify the user groups and users. Save your changes.
For more information on editing the access settings in the Excel file, see Specify Security Settings in the CostpointAnalyticsOrgSecuritySetup.xlsx File.
On the server on which you installed Capture Analytics, go to the <installation location>/Admin folder.
Run CRM_Analytics_System_Config.qvw to open Capture Analytics Configuration.
Select the configuration options that activate Capture Analytics security and single sign on authentication.
See Security and Security: Single Sign On for more information.
Run the QlikView Management Console (Start » All Programs » Deltek Analytics » QlikView Management Console).
Click the Documents tab.
On the Source Documents tab, expand the items in the left pane until the Final folder is displayed. Expand that folder also.
Expand CRM_Analytics.qvw, and do the following:
Click the task.
Click the Reload tab in the right pane.
Select the Section access check box.
In Username, enter DeltekAnalytics, and in Password, enter the password you assigned to that service account when you installed Costpoint Analytics.
Click Apply.
Locate the Translate folder in the left pane, and expand that folder.
Repeat the procedure in step 16 for Data_Model_CRM_Secured.qvw.
Load the security data into the Capture Analytics data model. You can wait for your next scheduled load process, or you can implement it immediately. See Update the Data Model Based on Security Settings for the load procedures.
If you need to add or change user groups or users, make the changes in the security setup file and load the updated security information into the Capture Analytics data model.
In the CostpointAnalyticsOrgSecuritySetup.xlsx file, make any necessary changes to the existing security data. You can add or delete user groups and users, and you can change the access for the existing user groups and users.
Save your changes.
Load the security data into the Capture Analytics data model. You can wait for your next scheduled load process, or you can implement it immediately. See Update the Data Model Based on Security Settings for the load procedures.