User Setup and Maintenance Fields

Use the fields on the User Setup and Maintenance screen to manage user logon and setup maintenance. The fields display when the table in User Setup and Maintenance screen expands to display the user's current information.


Employee Name

Use the Employee Name drop-down list to add an employee as a user to Deltek Budgeting & Planning.

First /Last Name

This field allows you to change the user name. Enter a first and last name to identify the employee. Consider establishing a naming convention for setting up individuals' names. For example, put the last name first, followed by a comma, and then the first name.

User ID

If you are adding a new user, enter a user ID for the employee. If you are updating a user's information, this field displays the ID used by the user at logon.


Use this setting to establish the login authentication. Choose one of the following from the drop-down list:

Active Directory User ID

This field is required if Use Active Directory is selected in the Authentication field, or if global Active Directory Authentication is enabled and the user's authentication method is Use Global Setting. For each user, enter the Active Directory User ID.


Enter a password for the user. If you are updating a user, use this field to update the user's current password. As an administrator, you can assign a temporary password.

By default, the password must meet the following criteria:
Password has a minimum length of four characters
Password requires at least one alpha character
Password requires at least 1 non-alphanumeric character (!@#$%^&*)
Password requires at least one numeric character
Password requires at least one upper case character
Password must not match a password used in the last 365 days. (The history of passwords created is compiled, which prevents users from reusing the same password.)

Password do not expire.
Users will be unable to login after 3 failed attempts.
These criteria can be configured through the Configuration Settings screen.

License Type

The license type controls the applications employees are allowed to access within Budgeting & Planning. The License Type drop-down list displays the licenses available to your company. Options include the following:  

The License Type drop-down list only displays the license types that are active for your company. Additionally, if all available licenses for a particular license type have already been allocated to active users, then that license type no longer displays in the drop-down list.

Menu access is controlled by license type and can further be restricted by user security groups. If you want an individual user to have their own specific menu, you need to set up a user security group for that one person as well as take into account the user's license type. Learn more about security groups.


If needed, you can assign one or both of the following roles to the user:

Labor Suppress

Select this check box if you want to make some labor analysis reports inaccessible to the user and if you do not want the user to be able to back into the hourly rates of resources.

This check box is not available for PM Reporting.

Home Org ID

This field reflects the organization to which the user's costs resolve.

Security Group

Use this drop-down list to assign a user to a specific security group. You can create User Security Groups to further restrict access to an organization, module, or application, but you cannot use them to expand access beyond that which is already granted by the license type. Learn more about User Security Groups.

Security Org ID

Use this drop-down list to assign a user to an org structure level. The level you  choose here gives the user access to that level and any children below that level. All users populate Deltek Budgeting & Planning with the same access levels that are defined in your accounting system.

Employee ID

This field displays the employee information coming from Deltek GCS Premier or Deltek Costpoint.

User Locked Out

Typically, you use this setting when a user has attempted to log in too many times unsuccessfully. Select this check box if you want to prevent a user from logging into Deltek Budgeting & Planning.


Select this check box to indicate that the employee is active and should be counted against an active license. Clear the check box if the employee is no longer active and you want to free that license seat. Use this check box to prevent users from logging in. Only Active employees can log on to Budgeting & Planning.

When you save a record with the Active check box selected, the number of currently active users is compared to the number allowed by your licensing. You receive a warning message if the number of active users exceeds the number allowed by the license key.

Additionally, a system warning message displays for the user when the license is within thirty days of its expiration date, or when the license has expired and the user attempts to logon.