Before you can begin using Capture Analytics, you must load the data that you want to analyze. For Capture Analytics, that is opportunity data from GovWin Capture Management. After you implement Capture Analytics, you must load data periodically to make the latest GovWin Capture Management data available in the analytics. Note: If your firm also has Costpoint Analytics and uses Capture Analytics as the source of business development data for CFO Dashboards, loading Capture Analytics data is a prerequisite task before running the CFO Dashboards data load process. Refer to the Deltek Costpoint Analytics CFO Dashboards Administration Guide for more information. |
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When you load data from GovWin Capture Management, the process loads data for all opportunities in the GovWin Capture Management database.
In addition, if you have installed the special workflow process in GovWin Capture Management to capture changes in key opportunity fields, the load process also brings that change information into Capture Analytics for use in the Historical Pipeline Analytics.
To load data, complete the following basic steps:
Open Capture Analytics Configuration.
If necessary, make changes to the configuration settings.
Click Run Data Load Batch File to run the process that updates the data model and loads GovWin Capture Management data.
For more detailed procedures, see Load the Initial Set of Capture Analytics Data.
Normally, you load data into Capture Analytics at the following times:
As part of the implementation of Capture Analytics, to load the initial set of data
During the configuration process, to evaluate impact of configuration options on the data model
On whatever regular schedule works best for your Capture Analytics users (nightly, for example)
If you want the data load process to run automatically on a set schedule, use the Scheduled Task feature in Microsoft® Windows® to set up scheduled tasks for the Load_CRM_Data.bat file.
When you install Capture Analytics, the install process automatically sets up a DeltekAnalyticsLoadCRMData scheduled task to run a full Capture Analytics data load nightly at 11:00 p.m. You enable that task as part of the installation process. Review that scheduled task after the installation and modify the settings to fit your needs.
If your firm purchased QlikView Publisher along with Capture Analytics, you can also use the QlikView Management Console to schedule the data load process. For more information on scheduling the data load process using the QlikView Management Console, see Schedule the Data Load Process.
Capture Analytics provides the .bat files described below for loading and updating data. Those files are located in the <installation location>\Admin folder.
Load_CRM_Data.bat – You can click Run Data Load Batch File in Capture Analytics Configuration to run this file, or you can run it from the <installation location>\Admin folder. This process does the following:
Updates the Capture Analytics data model, based on your configuration and security settings
Loads opportunity data from GovWin Capture Management
Loads security data from the security setup file (CostpointAnalyticsOrgSecuritySetup.xlsx)
Load_CRM_Data_without_Datapull.bat – This process is the same as Load_CRM_Data except that it does not load opportunity data from GovWin Capture Management.
If your firm has Costpoint Analytics, you can also load Capture Analytics data along with Costpoint Analytics data using these .bat files:
Full_CpA_with_CRM_Data_Load.bat – This process does the following:
Updates up all Costpoint Analytics and Capture Analytics data models, based on your configuration settings
Loads actual performance data from Costpoint for all project and employee analytics
Loads proposal data from the Proposal Attributes file
Loads budget data from all budget data files
Loads opportunity data from GovWin Capture Management for Capture Analytics
Loads organization security data from the security setup file (CostpointAnalyticsOrgSecuritySetup.xlsx) for both Costpoint Analytics and Capture Analytics
Full_CpA_with_CRM_Data_Load_without_Datapull.bat – This process is the same as Full_CpA_with_CRM_Data_Load except that it does not load actual performance data from Costpoint or opportunity data from GovWin Capture Management.
Capture Analytics provides no internal security for the configuration applications or the data load .BAT files. Be sure that only the appropriate persons have access to the network folders in which you installed Capture Analytics.