Schedule the Data Load Process

Schedule a QlikView Publisher Task

If your firm purchased QlikView Publisher, you can set up a Publisher task to load data on a set schedule.  

Capture Analytics SaaS: If you have a Capture Analytics SaaS Subscription, the option to load data using a scheduled Publisher task is not available. However, Deltek Cloud Operations will run the Load_CRM_Data.bat file nightly to load your data. When you have completed your configuration of Capture Analytics, send an email to and ask Cloud Operations to begin the nightly data load processes. Do not make this request before you have completed the configuration. If configuration is not complete, the data load may not run successfully.

To run the data load process on a set schedule using a Publisher task...

  1. Run QlikView Management Console in one of the following ways:

  1. Click the Supporting Tasks subtab on the System tab.

  2. Expand QDS@<server name> and External programs.

  3. Click Load Deltek CRM Analytics and click the Triggers tab.

  4. Click to open the Configure Trigger dialog box.

  5. Specify the schedule you want and click OK. Example

  6. Click Apply on the System tab.

Schedule a Batch File

If you do not have QlikView Publisher, you can use the Scheduled Task feature in Microsoft® Windows® to set up a scheduled task for the Load_CRM_Data.bat file.

When you install Capture Analytics, the install process automatically sets up a DeltekAnalyticsLoadCRMData scheduled task to run a full Capture Analytics data load nightly at 11:00 p.m. You enable that task as part of the installation process. Review that scheduled task after the installation and modify the settings to fit your needs.

Capture Analytics SaaS: If you have a Capture Analytics SaaS Subscription, Deltek Cloud Operations will run the Load_CRM_Data.bat file nightly to load your data. When you have completed your configuration of Capture Analytics, send an email to and ask Cloud Operations to begin the nightly data load processes. Do not make this request before you have completed the configuration. If configuration is not complete, the data load may not run successfully.

If You Have Costpoint Analytics

If your firm has both Capture Analytics and Costpoint Analytics, it is recommended that you schedule the Load Deltek CRM Analytics Publisher task to start 10 minutes before the Load Deltek Costpoint Analytics task. Load Deltek Costpoint Analytics does a data load for the Summary Dashboard, so this sequence ensures that the Summary Dashboard reflects the latest Capture Analytics data.