Attach a Receipt Using ICR

Use this procedure to attach a receipt using ICR.

To attach a receipt using ICR:

  1. On Expenses, tap and tap Quick Capture.
  2. On the captured image, you can crop, rotate, or delete it. You also have the option to capture or select another image.
  3. When you are done, tap Submit.
    Mobile Expense for Ajera automatically scans and analyzes the captured image, maps the captured data to the Expense Line screen, and automatically populates the matched fields if they are marked for ICR in Deltek Ajera.
  4. If there are open expense reports, the Select Expense Report screen displays. Tap an existing open expense report in the list or tap Create New Report.
    • If you tap the existing expense report, the Edit Line screen for the expense report with the ICR fields populated.
    • If you are creating a new report, the Begin Date and End Date fields are populated with the expense line's date.