Approving project time in the browser

Use Project Time Approval to approve time on projects for which you are accounting manager, principal, or project manager. Project managers can view all their projects with time needing approval grouped by employee, project, phase timesheet date. You can also limit the list to view information for just one project or timesheet and see the Timesheet Detail for that timesheet.The project will be group-collapsed by the timesheet date. When you click on the time detail, the detailed information shows in the bottom pane. This will include notes and more information on the project.

Use temporary sort and filter options to limit or expand the project list. For example, if you are a project manager and a principal, you can filter the column Projects I Manage to be true to just see those projects where you are a Project Manager.

When projects on the timesheet are partially approved, an X appears in the Project Manager Approved column. When a project is fully approved, a check mark appears in the Project Manager Approved column.

By default, the project list defaults to projects that have time to approve for the last 4 weeks. You can use the column option filters to include or exclude more time.

Default column filters:

  • The Has Time for Approval is defaulted to True. To see projects that don't have time to approve remove this filter.
  • Hours Worked, Regular Hours Worked, and Premium Hours Work default to hours for the last 28 days. You can include hours from different date ranges by changing that filter.
  • Status column is set to include only projects not equal to closed. To see closed projects remove this filter.

The changes you make to the filters are temporary and will default back to original filters when the page is refreshed or the next time you go into Project Time Approval.

Before you begin

  • Turn on Project Time Approval in > Setup > Roles > Manage tab > Project Time Approval check box.

To approve project time

  1. Click > Manage > Project Time Approval .
  2. To view Project Timesheets for only one project, in the left pane, select the project you want to approve.
  3. Optional: To change the date range for the time period, click the header in the Hours Worked column and select a new date range.
  4. In the Select column in the right pane, check the box for the project you want to approve.

Selecting the check box will select all items down the tree. You select the check box at the Total level and all Project Timesheets for that project will get marked for Approval.

  1. Click Approve.
  2. Click OK.