You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > payroll service > setup > Setting up pay and accrual information for a payroll service (outsourced payroll)

Setting up pay and accrual information for a payroll service (outsourced payroll)

Video: Payroll Service Accruals Setup (4:55)

Video: Payroll Service Accruals Workflow (4:57)

To set up pay and accrual information when using a payroll service

  1. From the > Setup menu, click Employees.
  2. Click the Pay Information tab. you use the Pay Rates table to enter and track the employee's pay rates.
For Do this

Start Date

On the first row of the table, skip this field when entering the employee's first pay rate.

To establish a starting (default) pay rate, Ajera automatically enters a Start Date of 01/01/01, which you cannot change. When you later enter pay rate changes on subsequent rows of the table, you then enter the start (effective) date for each pay change.

Pay Period

Select the pay period for the employee.


Select this check box if the employee is paid hourly.


If you did not select the Hourly check box, enter the salary that this employee is paid for the pay period.


If more than one pay rate applies to a pay period, when you run payroll, Ajera calculates the salary amount based on the pay rate with the start date closest to the period ending date.

Pay Rate

If you selected the Hourly check box, enter the hourly rate of pay for this employee.


If you entered a salary amount before selecting the Hourly check box, Ajera automatically enters the employee's standard hourly rate and you cannot change it.

Premium pay 1, 2, 3

These fields correspond to the three premium pays that Ajera automatically sets up (Overtime, Double time, and Other time) through the > Setup > Company > Payroll > Pays menu, where the names can be changed. 

The fields contain the percentage for marking up the employee's pay rate for the type of hours. For example, if you pay an employee $10 an hour and time and a half for overtime (an extra $5 an hour), enter 50%, which results in a pay of $15 an hour.

Include in Salary

These fields apply only to salary employees (you did not select the Hourly check box).

In the Include in Salary check box to the right of the first premium pay field (Overtime), do the following, as needed:

  • If you do not want to pay salary employees for overtime, leave this check box selected.  
  • To pay employees overtime in addition to regular salary, clear this check box. To pay overtime at the regular pay rate, leave the markup percent as zero. To pay overtime by marking it up, enter the percent you want to mark up the regular rate.

Use the other Include in Salary check boxes, which appear to the right of the other two premium pays fields (Double Time Markup and Other Time Markup), in the same way.

  1. Also on the Pay Information tab, you use the Accrual Pays table to enter and track the employee's accrual pay.
For Do this


Select the Accrual pay.


Defaults to Hours.


The number of hours to accrue for this pay.


Any maximum annual amount or number of hours for this pay

Limit Period

Displays that the limit period is always per year

Auto Reduce

Reduce to

Reduce Month/Day

For a pay which has a type of Accrual

Ajera accrues hours according to the options you selected when setting up the pay ( > Setup > Company > Payroll > Pays). To accrue hours differently for this employee, change these fields as needed.

To set the accrued hours to zero or reduce them at a specific time (such as at year-end), select the Auto Reduce check box and do the following:

  • In the Reduce To field, type the maximum number of hours to carry over. You can enter a zero to carry over no hours.
  • In the Reduce Month/Day field, select the month and day when the hours are reduced.


Enter any notes.

  1. Click Save.



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