About adding pays to a paycheck

Depending on the type of paycheck you are working with, you can add pays to it as follows:

For a paycheck

You can do this

Containing hours originally entered on a timesheet

If the Include in salary check box on the Pay Information tab of the Employee window is cleared, you can add other pays (such as Automobile or Bonus).

If the Include in salary check box is selected, you can add only pays that are not used on any overhead groups.

Containing no hours originally entered on a timesheet

You can add other pays.

For hourly employees, you can add to or change the Regular pay hours. For salary employees, Ajera automatically adjusts the Regular pay hours by any other pays you add that are included in the salary. The total hours for pays included in the salary cannot exceed the pay period hours defined on the > Setup > Company > Preferences > Payroll tab. Company > Preferences > Payroll tab. If you need to enter more hours than what is defined, enter a timesheet for the total hours and process the payroll check to include those hours. 

Produced for supplemental pay

You can add other pays.

A supplemental paycheck is typically used for bonus pay. You can create a draw check by entering negative deductions that result in a positive net amount on the check. No taxes are calculated when there are no pays on the check.