Purchase Orders

Not available in ajeraCore or ajeraCore + add-ons

Use this to review outstanding purchase orders for a vendor.

Producing the statement

From the > Reports menu, click Vendor > Purchase Orders.

Statement options

Option Description
Company Multi-company only.The report contains information for all companies in your organization, unless you select a specific company in this field.
Vendor The statement contains information for all vendors with purchase orders for the period selected, unless you select a specific vendor in this field.
Date Range The report contains information for this month unless you select a different time period in this field.

Customize options

Column Description
Report title The title you want to appear on the statement.
Order type

The statement contains all order types unless one is specified.

Examples: Purchase orders, Change orders

Order status

The statement contains all order statuses unless one is specified.

Examples: Preliminary, Completed, Approved, Closed, Voided

Print logo If selected, it prints your company logo, which you identified when setting up company billing preferences.
Summarize detail

If selected, it summarizes the detail on the statement by description, item, and unit rate.

Note: If the description, item, and unit rate are not exactly the same on items, they will not be summarized. If you summarize detail, you cannot print project or phase.

Print project If selected, it prints the project in the Description column.
Print phase If selected, it prints the phase in the Description column.
Show detail notes If selected, it prints the purchase order detail notes.

Statement Contents

Column Description
Item The purchase order activity.
Description The description of the purchase order.
Units The number of units.
Rate The rate used for the item.
Amount The amount of the purchase order.
Notes The notes for the purchase order.
Approved Date The date the purchase order was approved.
Approved By The employee that approved the purchase order.