Setting the upload file size limit

When you turn on Upload Attachments, Ajera sets the default upload size to 50MB. The maximum file size that can be uploaded as an attachment in Expense Reports, In-House Expenses, and Vendor Invoices is 120MB.

Select a file size limit that seems reasonable to your organization. Be aware that the larger the file size limit the more hard disk space that will be required to store the data.

Note: Ajera Cloud only: The upload file size is set to 120MB by default and cannot be changed.

To set up the upload file size limit

  1. From the Ajera server, go to the Windows Start menu and select All Programs > Ajera > Ajera Server Administration.
  2. From the Tasks menu, select Change Upload Size Limit.
  3. Enter a size limit between 50 and 120.
  4. Click OK.