Setting up Upload Attachments when Ajera and SQL are on different servers

In order to Upload Attachments in Ajera, you need to enable FileStream. If Ajera and SQL Server are installed on different servers, use the following steps to configure upload attachments with SQL Server FileStream.

Enabling FileStream during the SQL Server installation

  1. Open the Database Engine Configuration.
  2. Click the FILESTREAM tab and ensure that the following options are selected:
  • Enable FILESTREAM for Transact-SQL access
  • Enable FILESTREAM for file I/O streaming access
  • Allow remote clients to have streaming access to FILESTREAM data

By default, the Windows share name created for FILESTREAM access will be the SQL Server instance name (default SQL instances are named MSSQLSERVER). Deltek recommends that you use the default selections.

  1. Continue on to configuring settings in SQL Server Properties.

Enabling FileStream after installing SQL Server

  1. On the database server, open the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  2. Right-click your SQL Server service, and click Properties on the shortcut menu.
  3. Click the FILESTREAM tab, ensure that all three options are selected, and click OK.

By default, the Windows share name created for FILESTREAM access will be the SQL Server instance name (default SQL instances are named MSSQLSERVER). Deltek recommends that you use the default selections.

  1. Continue on to configuring settings in SQL Server Properties.

Configure settings in SQL Server Properties

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Right-click the server, and click Properties.
  3. Select the Advanced page.
  4. Check to ensure that the Running Values are displaying that the FileStream Access level is set to Full access enabled.
  5. Click OK, and restart the SQL Server service.
  6. Continue on to manually creating FileStream databases.

Manually create FileStream databases

Before you create the FileStream database, you must determine where the FileStream data will be stored. By default, the FileStream data is stored in a folder and sub-folders in your SQL Server Data folder. Depending on your SQL Server installation and disk configuration, it may be better to store this data on a separate physical disk, partition, RAID array, etc.

  1. Open the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
  2. Right click Databases and click Restore Database.
  3. In the Restore Database window select Device, select Add and browse for the file AjeraFiles.bak, typically this is store in the Program folder where Ajera is installed.
  4. If the Ajera database ends in a _1/_2/_n then you will need to change the Destination Database name to a name appropriate for the Ajera database you intend on using upload attachments for.

The name of the FileStream database must be your Ajera database name with FILES added after Ajera. The naming schema we’ve agreed upon is this; for Ajera the FileStream database is AjeraFiles, for Ajera_1, Ajera_2, Ajera_n the naming schema is AjeraFiles_1, AjeraFiles_2, AjeraFiles_n, etc.

  1. If you want more control over which drive/folder the data in this database is store click the Files page from left.
  2. Change the Restore As field for each field (items a, b are typical database entries, c is where the logical files will be stored in the windows filesystem).
  • FileStore: where the data records are stored.
  • FileStoreLog: where the data log records are stored.
  • Filestream: where the actual files themselves will live.
  1. Enter a name for the database.
  2. Restore the AjeraFiles.bak file into the new database(s) you created.
  3. To verify FileStream is enabled, from > Setup menu, select Company > Preferences > General tab and verify that the check box in the lower right is checked. This check will have to be done for each Ajera database.