Setting up email invoice templates

Before you begin

  1. Verify your role has the proper security settings to create email invoice templates.

To set up email invoice templates

  1. From the > Setup menu, select General > Email Invoice Templates.
  2. To edit an existing template, click > Edit.
  1. To create a new template, click New.
  2. Enter a name for the template.
  3. For the following fields, select an available column (see below) or enter text:

Commonly used html tags can be used.

Example: <b></b> to bold or <i></i> to italicize.

  • Subject Line
  • To
  • Cc
  • Bcc
  • Email Body
Available columns Description
Billing Contact Name The name of the billing contact
Billing Contact Email The email of the billing contact
Project Manager Name The name of the project manager
Project Manager Email The email address for the project manager
Principal in Charge Name The name of the principal in charge
Principal in Charge Email The email address for the principal in charge
Billing Manager Name The name of the billing manager
Billing Manager Email The email address for the billing manager
Current User Name The current users name
Current User Email The email address for the current user
Current User Title The title of the current user
Project Contact Name 1-20

The name of the project contact

You can select up to 20 project contacts

Project Contact Email 1-20

The email address for the project contact

You can select up to 20 project contact email addresses

General Information
Project ID The ID of the project
Project ID & Description The ID and description of the project
Project Description The description of the project
Company Name The name of the company
Company Email The email address for the company
Invoice Number The invoice number
Invoice Pay Now URL

The Pay Now URL text.

Note: The Pay Now URL is not available for the subject line.

Invoice Pay Now Text

The Pay Now text with an embedded hyperlink

Client Name The name of the client
Client Email The email of the client
Client Address 1 The street address of the client
Client Address 2 The second line of the street address for the client
Client Address 3 The third line of the street address for the client
Client City The city name in the address for the client
Client State The state in the address for the client
Client Zip The zip in the address for the client
Client Country The country in the address for the client
Invoice Logo The logo used for invoices
Invoice Logo Display Size

This allows you to adjust the logo size if the logo appears too large or too small on the invoice.

By default, the column displays as [Invoice Logo Display Size]{width:300}. Change the 300 to adjust the size.

Report Logo The logo used for the report
Report Logo Display Size

This allows you to adjust the logo size if the logo appears too large or too small on the invoice.

By default, the column displays as [Report Logo Display Size]{width:300}. Change the 300 to adjust the size.

Amount The total amount of the invoice
Invoice Date The date of the invoice
  1. Click Preview to preview the email template.
Note: When previewing a template, the invoices to preview are ones that are marked as Draft or Approved.
  1. Click Save to save the email template.