About reapproving expense reports

Employees can now edit their processed, unpaid and unbilled, expense reports taking the burden off of accounting. Your company must be set up to allow changes to an expense report after processed. Once this is set up you can determine which employees have the right to edit their processed expense reports. The same rules for editing the expense reports exist for employees that exist for accounting; you can’t edit time that is already billed or already paid. If the expenses are available to edit, the employee can add new rows to the expense report, change existing rows, and add attachments.

Once the employee edits the processed expense report it is available for accounting (or supervisors if you aren’t using accounting approvals) to reapprove and the vendor invoice associated with the expense report is put on hold. Easily see what expense reports are available to reapprove with new columns on the expense report list. Once accounting reapproves the expense report, the invoice is available to pay in Vendor Payments.