Viewing the Gantt chart

unavailable in ajeraCore

Your Project Command Center can contain a Gantt chart (timeline) in your project list and in your project detail on the Manage tab. You can select to show or hide either of the Gantt charts.

Buttons for the project list Gantt chart appear at the upper right of the window.

Buttons for the project detail Gantt Chart appear at the bottom of the window on the Manage tab.

When you open the Project Command Center, the Gantt chart shows today's date, which is highlighted with an orange bar.

The timeline in the Gantt chart represents actual dates; if there are no actual dates, it represents estimated dates.

To Do this

Show the chart

Click the Show Gantt button.

Hide the chart

Click the Hide Gantt button.

Zoom in

See a shorter time span (such as individual days and weeks), by clicking (Zoom In).

Zoom out

See a longer time span (such as months), by clicking (Zoom Out).

See today's date at far left

Right-click the date area of the chart, and select Today.

See beginning or end of a row at far left

Right-click the timeline in a row, and select Begin or End.

Note: The Begin option is available if the row has an estimated or actual start date. The End option is available if the row has an estimated or actual end date.

Manage tab only:

Change dates using timeline

Click and drag the beginning or ending of a timeline in a row.

The timeline shows actual dates; if there are no actual dates, it shows estimated dates.

Update the chart

If you change dates in the columns, click Save to update the chart.