Selecting projects to view

When you open the Project Command Center ( > Manage > Project Command Center), a list of projects appears at the top of the window. You can select which projects you want to appear in that list.

To select projects to view

  1. From the Project Command Center, click (Customize) at the upper right of the window.
  2. On the Project List tab, indicate the projects you want to see by selecting one of the options directly under the Projects to Show heading:
Select this check box To see

All projects

Either all projects in your company or only projects for which you are a project manager, depending on your security access.

Projects matching filter

Projects matching certain criteria that you select.

After you select this check box, a Filter area appears. Do the following:

  1. You can select to see projects based on project status. As needed, select a check box corresponding to the project status of projects you want to show.
  2. You can select to see projects associated only with a specific project manager, billing manager, principal-in-charge, marketing contact, or client. Make a selection, as needed, for each field.

Multi-company only. You can select to see projects associated only with a specific company.

Selected projects

Individual projects that you specifically select.

After you select this check box, a Projects table appears. Do the following:

  1. To select a project, click a blank row of the Projects table and click .
  2. Repeat this procedure for each project you want to show in the list.

My projects only

Only projects for which you are the project manager, billing manager, principal-in-charge, or marketing contact.

After you select this check box, additional check boxes appear. Select a check box, as needed, for projects you want to show as defined by your role on the project. For example, a principal may want to view the projects where they are the project manager separately from projects where they are the principal-in-charge.

Note: This check box is only available if the View my projects only check box is not selected in your security settings.
  1. You can also define the type of information you want to see for each project. The table at the right of the window contains a list of columns grouped by category. Use this list to select the columns you want to show in the Project List along with the name of your project.
  • To see all the columns within a category, select the Show check box for the category.
  • To select individual columns of project information, expand the category by clicking the symbol, and click the Show check box for each column you want to show.
  1. Click OK.