Unapproving a timesheet

If you have already approved a timesheet but no longer want it approved, you can unapprove it. The supervisor/accounting manager can make changes to the timesheet if is set up to allow it. Otherwise, the employee must review and change the timesheet. However, any time that has already been billed or paid can no longer be changed.

To unapprove a timesheet

  1. From the > Manage menu, click Time & Expense.
  2. Click the Timesheets by Employee tab.
  3. Unapprove the timesheet as follows:
To Do this

Not see the timesheet first

  1. Click the Unapprove button.
  2. Clear the Supervisor approved or Accounting approved check box. Click OK.

See the timesheet first

  1. Click the timesheet you want to unapprove and click the Edit button.
  2. Clear the Supervisor approved or Accounting approved check box.
  3. Click Close.
  1. Click Close.