GL Account inquiry

Use this inquiry to see information for GL accounts.

Using the inquiry

From the > Reports menu, click Standard Inquiries > General Ledger > GL Account.


Accounting staff

Inquiry conditions

The inquiry automatically contains a condition to show only data from active GL accounts. You can always add, change, or delete conditions on an inquiry.

Standard columns

Column Links to this inquiry Description Date range available



The number or identifier of the account




The name of the account




The status of the account: active or inactive


Account Type


The account type (such as Current Asset) of the account


Account Group


The account group associated with the account


Summarize Group on FS


Indicates if the Summarize on financial reports check box was selected for the account group of the account


Print Net Profit After Group


Indicates if the Print net profit after this group check box was selected for the account group of the account


Defined links:


GL Entry - Accrual

GL Entry - Accrual

A link to the GL Entry inquiry showing the Accrual Basis Account column


GL Entry - Cash

GL Entry - Cash

A link to the GL Entry inquiry showing the Cash Basis Account column


Expense Allocation

Expense Allocation

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on

A link to the expense allocation inquiry showing the allocated percentages


Predefined columns

You can add predefined columns to this inquiry. These columns are available:

Column Links to this inquiry Description Date range available

Account Key


The database identifier of the account


ID & Description


The identifier and name of the account




The order of the account in the Account List window

Example: You may sort the inquiry by order so it mirrors the order of the Account List.


Allow Journal Entries


Indicates if the Allow journal entries check box was selected for the account


Normal Debit Balance


Indicates if the Normal debit balances check box was selected for the account


Account Group Key


The database identifier of the account group


Account Group Status


The status of the account group associated with the account: Active or Inactive


Account Group Order


The order of the account in the Account Group List window



Expense Allocation

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on

Indicates if the account has expense allocations to departments




Notes about the account