Assigning general ledger accounts for payroll

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Payroll add-on

When you set up a pay, tax, deduction, or fringe, you assign the appropriate financial account to it. When you enter time and process payroll, Ajera creates entries to those accounts as appropriate.

Ajera automatically creates several commonly used pays, taxes, deductions, and fringes for you and automatically links them to the standard chart of accounts. If you modified the standard chart of accounts or created your own chart of accounts, you must verify that these pays, taxes, deductions, and fringes are linked to the correct accounts.

Note: If you have been using Ajera before setting up payroll, be sure that your payroll tax vendors are currently set up with a liability account, not an expense account ( > Setup > Vendors > General tab > Account field). If the account is blank, you can enter the liability account on the invoice.

To assign general ledger accounts for payroll

  1. From the > Setup menu, click Company > Payroll > Pays, Taxes, Deductions, or Fringes.
  2. Click the pay, tax, deduction, or fringe that you are assigning financial accounts to, and click Edit.
  3. Do one of the following:

For a



An expense account in the Expense Account field

Pays with a type of Regular or Overtime use the payroll expense accounts assigned on the Income Statement Accounts tab  in company preferences.

Pays with a type of In/Out Other, such as a car allowance, do not create entries to financial accounts. For more information, see Setting up pays.

Pays with a type of Sick, Vacation, and Other (if the hours are entered on the paycheck) debit the expense account with the employee's cost amount (hours multiplied by the standard hourly rate). If hours are entered in the Overhead area of the timesheet, the overhead group set up determines the expense account that is debited. If you choose to set up an overhead project in an overhead group, the account preference setup determines the expense account to debit for time entered to an overhead project. 


A liability account in the Liability Account field. Also select an expense account in the Expense Account field.


A liability account in the Liability Account field


A liability account in the Liability Account field. Also select an expense account in the Expense Account field

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Close.