Employee inquiry

Use this inquiry to see general information, and payroll and billing information for employees.

Tracking personnel benefits

One way you may want to use this inquiry is to track direct personnel benefits as a percent of gross payroll or as a percent of project cost.

Add these columns to the inquiry:

  • DPE % General
  • DPE % Project
Note: To get an accurate picture of your employer-paid benefits, set up fringes.

After you process payroll, Ajera calculates amounts for the columns as follows:

Column Calculation

DPE % General

[(Employer Tax + Fringe Amount) / Gross Payroll] * 100 

DPE % Project

[(Employer Tax + Fringe Amount) / Direct Project Cost] * 100 

Predefined columns

You can add predefined columns to this inquiry. These columns are available:

General info

Employee Key



First Name

Middle Name

Last Name


Target Billable


DPE % General

DPE % Project



When adding the DPE % General or DPE % Project column, a Date Range field appears (with the Range Prompt already selected) on the Properties for Column on Inquiry window. Leave Range Prompt selected. On the inquiry, the words All Dates appear in blue underlined text under the name of the inquiry. Click the All Dates text to enter the date range for calculating DPE%.


Is Timesheet Entered



When adding this column, a Date Range field appears (with the Cutoff Prompt option already selected) on the Properties for Column on Inquiry window. Leave Cutoff Prompt selected. On the inquiry, the words All Dates appear in blue underlined text under the name of the inquiry. Click the All Dates text to enter a timesheet ending date. A check mark then appears in the column to indicate which employees entered timesheets for that date.


Employee Type Key

Employee Type

Department Key


Company Key (multi-company only)

Company Name (multi-company only)

Supervisor Key


Is Principal

Is Supervisor

Is Project Manager

Is Accounting

Is Marketing Contact



Contact info


Address 1, 2, 3

City, State, Zip, Country

Mailing Address

Mailing Address 1, 2, 3

Mailing City, Mailing State, Mailing Zip, Mailing Country

Phone Numbers

Phone 1, 2, 3

Phone Text 1, 2, 3

Fax Number

Fax Text




Contact Key 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Contact Information 1, 2, 3, 4,    


In the Contact Information columns, the last name, first name, phone numbers and phone text appear when you select to wrap text on the column.

Contact Name 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Contact Text 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Hire/pay info

Date Born (date range available)

Date Hired (date range available)

Date Rehired (date range available)

Date Terminated (date range available)


Expense report info

Allow Expense Entry

Company Credit Card Key 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Company Credit Card 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Amount info

Hours Worked (date range available)              

Cost Labor (date range available)

Cost Labor + Premium (date range available)                

Cost Labor Burdened (date range available)

Cost Labor + Premium Burdened (date range available)

Payroll Cost Labor (date range available)        

Payroll Cost Labor Burdened (date range available)

Premium Cost (date range available)

Spent Labor (date range available)               

Billed Hours (date range available)              

Billed Labor (date range available)                       

WIP Hours (date range available)                 

WIP Labor (date range available)                 

Written off Hours (date range available)         

Written off Labor (date range available)         

Accrual Hours      

Resource Hours (unavailable in ajeraCore)

Resource Cost (unavailable in ajeraCore)

Resource Fee (unavailable in ajeraCore)

Scheduled Hours (unavailable in ajeraCore) (date range available)

Scheduled Dollars (unavailable in ajeraCore) (date range available)

Defined links

Link - Timesheet

Link - Expense Report

Link - Session

Link - Transaction - All

Link - Transaction - Labor

Link - Transaction - Expense

Link - Resource (unavailable in ajeraCore)