Content List options

The options that appear in the properties area of the Financial Statement Designer depend on which Content List button you click.

Company button

Account button

Activity button

Balance button

Budget button

Cash Flow button

Custom button

Company button

Company options are available when you select a cell that is not part of a Column Setup or Amounts row on the Design tab.

Option Description
Organization Name (multi-company only) The name from the > Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab > Organization Name field
Organization Address (multi-company only) The address from the > Setup > Company > Preferences > Address tab > Company Address section
Company Name

The name from the > Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab > Company Name field

Multi-company only. The name from the > Setup > Company > Companies > General tab > Company Name field

Company Address

The address from the > Setup > Company > Preferences > Address tab > Company Address section

Multi-company only. The address from the > Setup > Company > Companies > Address tab > Company Address section

Month Start Date

The first date of the month, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field

Example: If Month-End Date is 3/1/2013, then Month Start Date is March 1, 2013.

Month End Date

The last date of the month, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field

Example: If Month-End Date is 3/1/2013, then Month End Date is March 31, 2013.

For N Months Ended MonthEndDate

For the number of months to date, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field

Example: If Month-End Date is 3/1/2013, then N Months End MonthEndDate is For 3 Months Ended March 31, 2013.

For the N Quarter Ended QuarterEndDate

For the number of quarters to date, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field

Example: If Month-End Date is 3/1/2013, then For the N Quarter Ended QuarterEndDate is For the 1st Quarter Ended March 31, 2013.

Fiscal Year Start Date

The first day of the year in the > Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab > Fiscal Year > Current Year field

Multi-company only. The year from the > Setup > Company > Companies > General tab > Fiscal Year > Current Year field

Fiscal Year End Date

The last day of the year in the > Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab > Fiscal Year > Current Year field

Multi-company only. The year from the > Setup > Company > Companies > General tab > Fiscal Year > Current Year field

Reporting Entity Description

The reporting entity selected in the Workbook Properties sheet > Reporting Entity Filter field

If you select this option, you cannot select the Department Description option.

Department Description

The department selected in the Workbook Properties sheet > Department Filter field

If you select this option, you cannot select the Reporting Entity Description option.

Report Basis The accounting basis selected in the Workbook Properties sheet > Report Basis field
Print Date The current date
Company Logo

The logo from the > Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab > Reports Logo field

Multi-company only. The logo from the > Setup > Company > Companies > General tab > Reports Logo field

Organization Logo (multi-company only)

The logo from the > Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab > Reports Logo field

Account button

Account options are available when you select a cell that is part of a Column Setup or Amounts row on the Design tab.

Option Description
Account Description

Name of the account

Account ID

Number or identifier for the account

Account Group

Account group for which you want amounts

Account Type Account type for which you want amounts
Account Normal Debit Balance Indicates whether the account has the Normal Debit Balances check box selected in > Setup > Company > Financials > Chart of Accounts
Account Allows Journal Entry Indicates whether the account has the Allow Journal Entries check box selected for in > Setup > Company > Financials > Chart of Accounts

Activity button

Activity options are available when you select a cell that is part of a Column Setup or Amounts row on the Design tab.

You can assign to an activity option any of these time periods: This Year, Last Year, Two Years Ago, Three Years Ago, Four Years Ago, or Five Years Ago. For example, Activity This Month Three Years Ago.

Option Description
This Month Activity amount for this month, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Last Month Activity amount for last month, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
2 Months Ago Activity amount for two months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
3 Months Ago Activity amount for three months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
4 Months Ago Activity amount for four months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
5 Months Ago Activity amount for five months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
6 Months Ago Activity amount for six months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
7 Months Ago Activity amount for seven months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
8 Months Ago Activity amount for eight months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
9 Months Ago Activity amount for nine months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
10 Months Ago Activity amount for ten months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
11 Months Ago Activity amount for eleven months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
January Activity amount for the month of January
February Activity amount for the month of February
March Activity amount for the month of March
April Activity amount for the month of April
May Activity amount for the month of May
June Activity amount for the month of June
July Activity amount for the month of July
August Activity amount for August
September Activity amount for the month of September
October Activity amount for the month of October
November Activity amount for the month of November
December Activity amount for the month of December
This Quarter Activity amount for this quarter, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Last Quarter Activity amount for last quarter, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
2 Quarters Ago Activity amount for two quarters ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
3 Quarters Ago Activity amount for three quarters ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
QTD Activity amount for the quarter to date, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
YTD Activity amount for the year to date, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field

Balance button

Balance options are available when you select a cell that is part of a Column Setup or Amounts row on the Design tab.

You can assign to a balance option any of these time periods: This Year, Last Year, Two Years Ago, Three Years Ago, Four Years Ago, or Five Years Ago. For example, Balance This Month Three Years Ago.

Option Description
Current Balance Balance to date, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Balance This Quarter Balance to date this quarter, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Balance Last Quarter Balance for the last quarter, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Balance 2 Quarters Ago Balance for two quarters ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Balance 3 Quarters Ago Balance for three quarters ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Year End Balance Balance for the year, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Retained Earnings Balance Balance for retained earnings for the year, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
January Balance for the month of January
February Balance for the month of February
March Balance for the month of March
April Balance for the month of April
May Balance for the month of May
June Balance for the month of June
July Balance for the month of July
August Balance for the month of August
September Balance for the month of September
October Balance for the month of October
November Balance for the month of November
December Balance for the month of December

Budget button

Budget options are available when you select a cell that is part of a Column Setup or Amounts row on the Design tab. Budget amounts apply only to accrual accounting.

You can assign to a budget option any of these time periods: This Year, Last Year, Two Years Ago, Three Years Ago, Four Years Ago, or Five Years Ago. For example, Budget This Month Three Years Ago.

Option Description
Budget This Month The budget for this month, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Budget Last Month The budget for last month, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Budget 2 Months Ago The budget for two months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Budget 3 Months Ago The budget for three months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Budget 4 Months Ago The budget for four months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Budget 5 Months Ago The budget for five months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Budget 6 Months Ago The budget for six months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Budget 7 Months Ago The budget for seven months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Budget 8 Months Ago The budget for eight months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Budget 9 Months Ago The budget for nine months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Budget 10 Months Ago The budget for ten months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Budget 11 Months Ago The budget for eleven months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
January Budget The budget for the month of January
February Budget The budget for the month of February
March Budget The budget for the month of March
April Budget The budget for the month of April
May Budget The budget for the month of May
June Budget The budget for the month of June
July Budget The budget for the month of July
August Budget The budget for the month of August
September Budget The budget for the month of September
October Budget The budget for the month of October
November Budget The budget for the month of November
December Budget The budget for the month of December
Budget This Quarter The budget for this quarter, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Budget Last Quarter The budget for last quarter, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Budget 2 Quarters Ago The budget for two quarters ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Budget 3 Quarters Ago The budget for three quarters ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
QTD Budget The budget for the quarter to date, based on and restricted by the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
YTD Budget The budget for the year to date, based on and restricted by the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Budget Annual The budget for the year

Cash Flow button

Cash-flow options are available when you select a cell that is part of a Column Setup or Amounts row on the Design tab.

You can assign to a cash-flow option any of these time periods: This Year, Last Year, Two Years Ago, Three Years Ago, Four Years Ago, or Five Years Ago. For example, Cash Flow This Month Three Years Ago.

Option Description
This Month Debit The debit for this month, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
This Month Credit The credit for this month, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Last Month Debit The debit for last month, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Last Month Credit The credit for last month, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
2 Months Ago Debit The debit for two months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
2 Months Ago Credit The credit for two months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
3 Months Ago Debit The debit for three months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
3 Months Ago Credit The credit for three months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
4 Months Ago Debit The debit for four months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
4 Months Ago Credit The credit for four months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
5 Months Ago Debit The debit for five months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
5 Months Ago Credit The credit for five months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
6 Months Ago Debit The debit for six months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
6 Months Ago Credit The credit for six months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
7 Months Ago Debit The debit for seven months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
7 Months Ago Credit The credit for seven months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
8 Months Ago Debit The debit for eight months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
8 Months Ago Credit The credit for eight months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
9 Months Ago Debit The debit for nine months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
9 Months Ago Credit The credit for nine months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
10 Months Ago Debit The debit for ten months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
10 Months Ago Credit The credit for ten months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
11 Months Ago Debit The debit for eleven months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
11 Months Ago Credit The credit for eleven months ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
January Debit The debit for the month of January
January Credit The credit for the month of January
February Debit The debit for the month of February
February Credit The credit for the month of February
March Debit The debit for the month of March
March Credit The credit for the month of March
April Debit The debit for the month of April
April Credit The credit for the month of April
May Debit The debit for the month of May
May Credit The credit for the month of May
June Debit The debit for the month of June
June Credit The credit for the month of June
July Debit The debit for the month of July
July Credit The credit for the month of July
August Debit The debit for the month of August
August Credit The credit for the month of August
September Debit The debit for the month of September
September Credit The credit for the month of September
October Debit The debit for the month of October
October Credit The credit for the month of October
November Debit The debit for the month of November
November Credit The credit for the month of November
December Debit The debit for the month of December
December Credit The credit for the month of December
This Quarter Debit The debit for this quarter, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
This Quarter Credit The credit for this quarter, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Last Quarter Debit The debit for last quarter, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
Last Quarter Credit The credit for last quarter, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
2 Quarters Ago Debit The debit for two quarters ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
2 Quarters Ago Credit The credit for two quarters ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
3 Quarters Ago Debit The debit for three quarters ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
3 Quarters Ago Credit The credit for three quarters ago, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field
YTD Debit The debit for the year to date
YTD Credit The credit for the year to date
Year End Debit

The debit for year-end, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field

Example: If Month-End Date is 3/1/2013, then Year End Debit is the debit for year-end 2012.

Year End Credit

The credit for year-end, based on the Workbook Properties sheet > Month-End Date field

Example: If Month-End Date is 3/1/2013, then Year End Credit is the credit for year-end 2012.

Custom button

You create a custom date property if the standard Activity, Balance, or Cash Flow properties do not provide the time period you want.

For more information, see Creating custom date properties.