Creating custom date properties

A custom date property consists of a description, beginning date, ending date, and any cash-flow options that may apply. Ajera saves the property to its database, making it available in all your Financial Statement Designer designs.

To create custom date properties

  1. Click an Amounts or Column Setup cell in the worksheet. The Content List buttons, options, and fields appear.
  2. Click the Custom button. All available custom date properties appear.
  3. Click (Plus).
  4. In the Custom Date Properties window, type the name of the custom date property in the Description field. The maximum length is 78 characters.

As you type, the Property field displays how the description will appear in the Ajera database. Ajera removes any spaces or special characters such as \ / : * ? " < > | , -.

  1. Define the property:

If you want this

Do this

Account activity for a time frame that you specify; excludes closing entries

Beginning Date: Enter the first date in the date property.

Ending Date: Enter the last date in the date property.

Cash Flow Options: Select Not Used.

Account balances at a point in time that you specify; excludes closing entries

Beginning Date: Leave blank.

The field defaults to 1/1/1900.

Ending Date: Enter the last date in the date property.

Ajera will total all activity from 1/1/1900 through the Ending Date.

Cash Flow Options: Select Not Used.

Debit or credit account activity for a time frame that you specify

Beginning Date: Enter the first date in the date property.

Ending Date: Enter the last date in the date property.

Cash Flow Options: Select one of the following:

  • Show debits only.
  • Show credits only.

The beginning and ending dates work in conjunction with the month-end date on the Workbook Properties sheet and the reporting period for a statement group.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Repeat these instructions for each custom date property you want to create.