Edit Attribute Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to edit existing benchmark attributes.

Field Description
Attribute Name This is the attribute name. Click to edit it.

The name can be up to 60 characters in length, it cannot contain any special characters (, + = [ ] \ / | " : < > ? * '), and it must be unique.

Attribute Options

Click Filter in the grid header to filter the grid results. The grid updates to display the records that fit the criteria that you enter. A filter icon displays to the left of the column name to indicate that you are filtering by a value in that column. To hide the filter fields, click Filter again. To remove the filter criteria, delete the text from the filter field. The filter remains in effect as long as you are in that view. However, if you leave the view and then return, the filter is no longer in effect.

Field Description
Option This is the attribute option name that displays in the attribute drop-down list. Edit an existing option or enter a name if you are adding a new option. For example, you may list options as Very Low, Low, Acceptable, High, and Very High.

The name can be up to 60 characters in length, it cannot contain any special characters (, + = [ ] \ / | " : < > ? * '), and the name must be unique within the same attribute.

Value Enter or edit a value for the attribute option. Touchstone adds up the values from the attribute options selected on the latest snapshot for each associated project and divides by the number of options in the attribute. The average option (the option closest to that value) displays in the Benchmark Attributes grid on the Programs Overview tab.

The value must be a number. It can be a zero (0). It must be unique within the same attribute.

+ New Option

Click to add a new attribute option and value.

After you enter options and values and click Save, Touchstone reorders the list from the lowest value to the highest value.

X (Delete)

When you hover over an option, an X displays on the right side of the line. Click the X to delete the attribute option.

When you delete a benchmark attribute option, the benchmark attribute for all snapshots where the option was selected is cleared.

An attribute must have at least one option, therefore, if there is only one attribute option, you cannot delete it. You can click in the value or option cell to edit it, or delete the attribute in the Benchmark Attributes view.