Benchmark Attributes View
Benchmark attributes are manually entered values that you enter for each project submittal. They are qualitative measures of success for the project that are used in benchmark reporting. Use this view to edit existing benchmark attributes and to define new attributes.
Benchmark Attributes
in the grid header to filter the grid results. The grid updates to display the records that fit the criteria that you enter. A filter icon
displays to the left of the column name to indicate that you are filtering by a value in that column. To hide the filter fields, click
again. To remove the filter criteria, delete the text from the filter field. The filter remains in effect as long as you are in that view. However, if you leave the view and then return, the filter is no longer in effect.
Field | Description |
Attribute Name | This column displays the attribute name. |
Attribute Options | Click the link in this column to display the Edit Attribute dialog box where you can edit the selected attribute name, values, and/or scores. |
+ New Attribute | Click this link at the bottom of the grid to display the New Attribute dialog box to add a new attribute. |
X (Delete) |
When you hover over an attribute, an X displays on the right side of the line. Click the X to delete the attribute. When you delete a benchmark attribute, all values for that attribute are deleted from snapshot records. |