Search for a Job

You can use the Find Job screen to search for your jobs, any of your favorites, and all existing jobs.

Depending on the configuration setting, you can view either both All and Favorites tabs, or only the Favorites tab.

To search and select a job for your timesheets:

  1. Tap , and then tap Timesheet.
  2. Tap . The Find Job screen displays.
  3. On the Find Job screen, take one of the following steps:
    • Tap either the All or Favorites tab to filter the jobs, and tap a job from the list.
    • Enter the job number, name, or customer name in the Search field, and then tap . Select a job from the search results, or tap More… to search for more jobs.
    • Tap any of your recently used jobs, or any job from your job list.
  4. Tap Done to save your changes, or tap to cancel and go back to the Find Job screen.