Create an Expense Sheet

Use these steps to create an expense sheet.

Note: The following conditions are only applicable on REST Touch:
  • The Expense Justification field is visible if a task requires an explanation for the transaction.
  • The Purchase Order Number and Purchase Order Line fields are visible if you are a subcontractor.

To create an expense sheet:

  1. Tap , and then tap Expense Sheet.
  2. Tap . The Expense Sheet screen displays.
  3. Enter an expense description in the Description field.
  4. Select start and end dates in the Period field.
  5. Tap the Job field. The Find Job screen displays. Take one of the following steps:
    • Tap either the All or Favorites tab to filter the jobs, and tap a job from the list. Deltek Touch displays these tabs depending on your configuration.
    • Enter the job number, name, or customer name in the Search field, and tap . Select a job from the search results, or tap More... to look up more jobs.
    • Tap any of your recently used jobs, or any job from your job list.
  6. Select a currency in the Currency field.
  7. Tap to take any of the following actions:
    • Tap New Line to add an expense sheet line.
    • Tap Attach Receipt to add a receipt to the expense sheet.
  8. Tap .