Keys to Success

The core business model of your ERP solution is the basis for ensuring a correct implementation.

Your ERP Solution must reflect the way you run and measure your business; otherwise, you have lost the foundation for control.

In the following table, we have identified some of the key areas that you should focus on when you align your business model to a new ERP solution. You should understand that the consequences of what you do within the areas described here are directly reflected in your abilities to extract the right reports, as is described in the Reporting section.

Area What To Do
Determine your registration model Make sure you define the KPI framework and the reports that you need to manage your business. This is then reflected in your registration model.
Determine principles for pricing Define a model for pricing that secures free movement of resources across entities, limits the idea of protection, and allows for good pricing towards customers.
Determine principles for revenue recognition The principles for revenue recognition reflect how accurate your monthly books will be, and are therefore crucial for the quality of your reporting.