
Maconomy's Jobs module enables you to manage and account for jobs and project-oriented work.

Use this module to create budgets; record usage of time and other job costs; and invoice customers based on these records. You also use the Job Cost module to generate reports on jobs, employees, and profitability.

Additionally, use this module to:

  • Budget and enter the usage of time, external purchases, and other costs on individual jobs.
  • Use job entries for invoicing and reporting through time and expense or vendor invoice allocations.
  • Assign a list of available tasks for each job so that you can create entries for the job.
  • Perform invoicing, including Self-Invoicing, Blanket Invoicing, On Account Invoicing, T&M, or combined T&M and On Account.
  • Generate a single invoice for multiple jobs that you are performing for a single customer.
  • Enter the customer tax returns related to a specific job.
  • View all revisions of a job budget and see a full audit trail throughout the lifetime of a job budget.
  • Perform revenue recognition on a job, one at a time or as a batch, based on the percent complete of the job budget.
  • Review all job transfers.