Absence Approval Fields

This section describes the fields and actions on the Absence Approval workspace.

Field Description
Employee Name This field displays the name of the employee who filed the absence request.
Absence Request Summary This field contains the absence type and the date range of the absence request.

Status Part Fields

Field Description
Submitted This field displays whether the current absence request is submitted.
Approved This field displays whether the current absence request is approved.
Reopened This field displays whether the current absence request is reopened.
Rejected This field displays whether the current absence request is rejected.

Absences Part Fields

Field Description
Absence Type This field displays the reason for the absence request, such as vacation or illness.
Duration When absence was registered in days:

This field displays the total number of days spanned by the absence request period (from the first day to the last day, including non-working days). It also displays the time unit used.

When absence was registered in hours (only available if you are running Maconomy 2.4 GA or later in the backend):

This field displays the total number of working hours spanned by the absence request period (from the first day to the last day), thus making the value the same as that of the Working Time field. It also displays the time unit used.

Working Time This field displays the total number of working days (or hours) spanned by the absence request period. It also displays the time unit used.

If the absence was registered in hours, this field will have the same value as the Duration field.

Remarks This field displays any remarks added to the absence request.
Rejection Reason If the current absence request is rejected, This field displays the reason for its rejection.
Synchronized with Time Sheets This field displays whether time sheet lines have been created automatically upon approval for the entire absence period.
First Day of Absence This field displays the first day in the range of dates covered by the current absence request.
First Day is Half Day This field indicates whether the first day of this absence request period is a half day.
Hours, First Day This field is available only when the absence request for approval was registered in hours.

This field displays the number of hours of absence on the first day.

Last Day of Absence This field displays the last day of the absence period in the current absence request.
Last Day is Half Day This field indicates whether the last day of the absence request period is a half day.
Hours, Last Day This field is available only when the absence request for approval was registered in hours.

This field displays the number of hours of absence on the last day.

Absence Approval Actions

Button Description
Click this icon to refresh data in the current workspace.

Click to display the list view.

Click to display the detailed view.

Save Click this action button to save changes to the current record. After saving changes, the record status updates accordingly, and the Save action button is disabled until additional changes are made.
Revert Click this action button to undo changes made to the current record, or to any of its lines.
Approve Click this action button to approve an absence request.
Reject Click this action button to reject an absence request.
Other Actions

In the Absence Approval workspace, this drop-down list includes the following actions:

  • Submit
  • Reopen