Order Lines Subtab

This section describes the fields and actions on the Order Lines subtab in the Sales Orders workspace.

Subtab Fields

Field Description
Item No. Select an order item number from the drop-down list.
Description This field displays either the item's description that is added automatically when you enter an item number or an item's description that you enter manually.

Enter the quantity of items the customer ordered.

If you entered an amount greater than what is available in your inventory, Maconomy specifies that the order cannot be completed until a certain date.

Unit Price Enter the price per unit.
Discount % Enter the discount percentage that the customer is entitled to for the current order line. If you enter a discount percentage, Maconomy auto-populates the Discount field.
Discount Enter the total discount the customer is entitled to for the current order line, if applicable. If you enter the total discount, Maconomy auto-populates the Discount % field.
Discount Description Enter any remarks about the discount.
Extended Price This field is equivalent to the product of the item quantity multiplied by the unit price and dividing the sum by the pricing unit. Any discount is then deducted to get the extended price.
Order Date This field displays the date the order was placed. If you added a new order line but did not include a date in this field, Maconomy auto-populates it with the current date.
Task Select a task from the drop-down list if the sales order is linked to a job.

Subtab Actions

Button Description
+ Add Order Line Click this action to add an order line to the current sales order.

Click this icon to export the rows from the current table to a spreadsheet.

Maconomy exports the table, and immediately downloads the resulting spreadsheet to your local drive.

Click this icon to display the filter row on the current table. You can then enter criteria in any of the filter row fields to display only select table rows.

Click this icon to maximize the table view.

Click this icon to restore the default display size of the table.

Click this icon to open the Customize Columns window.

The Row Tools icon allows you to add lines/information to the lines of a record.

For order lines, choose from the following actions:
  • Insert Order Line - Click this action to insert an order line to the current sales order.
  • Delete Order Line - Click this action to remove the order line from the current sales order.
  • Revert - This action appears when you are adding a new order line and allows you to undo your changes.