Customers Tab

This section describes the fields and actions on the Customers tab of the Approval Center workspace. If you have no pending items for approval (whether as an approver, substitute approver, or super approver) and no rejected lines for a tab, Maconomy hides the tab.

Tab Fields

Field Description
View Details Click this icon to view more information about the approval item specified on the line.

The wizard that displays also lets you approve/reject the approval item.

Company Specific For company customers, this field is selected.
Customer No. This field displays the customer number.
Customer This field displays the name of the customer for approval.
Acct. Manager This field displays the name of the account manager assigned to the customer.
Currency This field displays the currency used by the customer.
Settling Company This field displays the number of the company to be used as settling company for the customer.
Customer State

This field displays the customer's current state. The list of possible values is customized by the company.

This field is only relevant if:

  • Approval hierarchies are set up to use multiple stage approvals.
  • The company uses the Customer State functionality.
Status This field displays the customer's current approval status.
Approve Click this action to approve the line.
Reject Click this action to reject the line.
Undo Click this action to undo approval/rejection of the line.

Tab Actions

Button Description
Approve all Click this action to approve all the lines pending approval that are listed in the tab.
Click this icon to export the rows from the current table to a spreadsheet.

Maconomy exports the table, and immediately downloads the resulting spreadsheet to your local drive.

Click this icon to display the filter row on the current table. You can then enter criteria in any of the filter row fields to display only select table rows.

Click this icon to maximize the table view.

Click this icon to restore the default display size of the table.

Click this icon to open the Customize Columns window.