Aging Principle Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Aging Principle tab.

Aging Principle Island

Field Description
Name Name of the aging principle. This is the key field.
Based On Entry Date If marked, the aging report considers the entry date of the invoices. If not marked, the aging report considers due date of the invoices.
Split Periods by Month End, When Run on Last Day of Month This can only be marked if the period unit is Month. If it is marked and the report is run on the last day of a month, then each period will be split by the last day of the respective months.

Aging Periods Island

Field Description
Period Unit This field specifies how the length value of each period should be understood, that is, whether the period lengths are specified in days or months.
Start Date, Example This date is used as start date when calculating the start and end dates shown in the sub-tab. The date is only for example purposes to make it easier to set up the aging principles and thus not used in the reports.

Option List Fields Island

Field Description
List The option list for use when printing aging reports in BPM. Please consult the BPM manual for guides on how to set and use this field.
Value An option from the Option List option list used when printing aging reports in BPM. Please consult the BPM manual for guides on how to set and use this field.

Copy Aging Principle Island

Field Description
Name In his field you can enter the name of the new aging principle that you will copy the current aging principle to using the action Copy Aging Principle.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.