Approval Hierarchy Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approval Hierarchy tab.

Approval Hierarchy Island

Field Description
Appr. Hierarchy No. Enter an approval hierarchy number by which the approval object is governed.
Field Description
Description Use this field to add a description for the current approval hierarchy.
Field Description
Type Enter the type of registration to which the current approval hierarchy will apply.
Field Description
Approval Relation Enter the relation used in connection with the type of registration.
Field Description
Level Prioritized Use this field to specify whether the approval that uses the current hierarchy is to be carried out in a certain order

If you do not select this field, the approval can be done in any order.

If you select the field, the level number on each line in the table part determines the order in which approval must be carried out. An approval line is created for each line in the approval hierarchy whose selection criterion specification is matched by the item in question. This is done when an item is submitted. For each approval line created, Maconomy transfers the number of the holder of approval and the level number from the hierarchy line that gave rise to each individual approval line.

When a hierarchy is level prioritized, the approval lines with the lowest level must be approved before you can approve lines on the next level, and so on. For example, the supervisor of the person submitting an expense sheet must approve the expense sheet before it can be approved by the department manager.

Level zero is the lowest possible level, and must therefore be approved first, followed by level 1, 2, and so on. You can have several lines carrying the same level number. When several approval lines are created with identical level numbers for the same item, the lines in question can be approved in any order when all other approval lines with a lower level number have been approved.

When an item is approved, it corresponds to the employee who makes the approval, approves an approval line concerning the item in question and on which the employee himself is specified as holder of approval or substitute. Therefore approval is only allowed in the order dictated by the level order of priority.

Super Approver Use this field to enter the number of the employee who should be the super approver on the current approval hierarchy. The super approver can approve any approval line, or change the approval status of all approval lines, created on the basis of the current hierarchy.

If the super approver is changed, the new super approver can change the approval status of approval lines created after the change as well as all previously created approval lines.

May be approved by supervisor Select this field to allow the approval line, created on the basis of the current approval hierarchy, to be approved by the supervisor of the holder of approval as well as the employee or substitute responsible for approval of the line. This option is not applicable to the supervisor of a substitute (if specified) who may not approve on behalf of the substitute.

User Island

See the Introduction to Macononmy topic for a description of the User Island.