
This section shows the Actions available in the Employee Categories workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Delete Employee List If you use this action, all employees who belong to the current employee category, and who are within the specified selection criteria, are deleted from the list. These employees will thus no longer belong to the current category. However, if an employee is directly specified on a planning line or a job budget line and specified by means of an employee category to which he belongs, that employee is not deleted from the list.
Copy Employee List When you use this action, all employees who are assigned to the employee category specified in the Copy Employee List island are copied to and thus included in the current category. If one or more employees who belong to this copied category are not covered by the membership criteria of the current category, or if they are already members of the current category, those employees are not copied, and Maconomy issues a message on this matter.
Calculate Average Prices When you use this action, Maconomy calculates average prices for the employee category in the unit specified in the Time Unit field in the tab. For employees with another (the other) time unit, their prices are converted based on the number of hours per man day specified in the Hours per Man Day system parameter.