Values Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Values sub-tab.

Field Description
Name In this field, you enter the name of the option. The name specified in this field will appear in Maconomy’s pop-up fields. If you change the name, Maconomy immediately registers the new name in all the Maconomy workspaces in which the pop-up field in question appears.
  • Absence Type — This pop-up field is used for further specification of an employee’s absence registered in the workspace Employee Absence Calendars in the Resource Planning module.
  • Accrual Type — In this pop-up type, you can set up different accrual types. Accrual types are used in various registration workspaces such as invoice allocation, general journals, and job journals. When an accrual type is selected on a registration, Maconomy automatically accrues the entry across the period specified on the entry.

    For each accrual type, you can specify posting references for costs as well as sales, and these accounts will be used for offset entries created as a result of posting entries for which the current accrual type has been selected. You can also specify a posting description to be used for the accrual entries.

    If "Pro Rata" field is marked, it means that the entries will always be distributed taking into account the number of days in the accrual period.

    If “Pro Rata” is not marked, them if the accrual period covers strict financial months, the entries will be distributed evenly over the number of months in the accrual period. If the accrual period does not cover strict financial months, the entries will be distributed on daily basis, based on the company fiscal calendar. (This corresponds to the old functionality.)

  • A/P Control Accounts — Used as posting references to A/P control accounts and as posting reference for non-balanced entries (or A/P suspense). These pertain to entering of item receipts in the Item Purchase module and entering of vendor invoices in the Accounts Payable module.

    Using the control account specification, you can group vendors in different G/L posting accounts. The sum of the balances of vendor control accounts corresponds to the total accounts payable balance for the Accounts Payable module.

    In the field “A/P Suspense Entries” you enter a dimension combination. The specified dimension combination can also contain dimension values to be used in this connection.

    Enter a dimension combination in the field “Control Account.” The specified dimension combination can also contain dimension values to be used in this connection.

    The posting reference for non-reconciled vendor entries is used for pointing out a G/L account (and potentially other relevant dimension values) used in the event that a vendor invoice or credit memo is not entered directly to G/L accounts or to jobs in the workspace Invoice Allocation before posting.

    For the sake of clarity, the term “account” in the following description is used about posting references where an account number and any other dimension values are found by means of a dimension combination.

    For example, if you mark “Inventory Control” on an invoice allocation, Maconomy interprets the invoice allocation line as an allocation for warehouse (or item) purchases that are to balance against an item receipt in the Item Purchase module. In this case, the account for unreconciled vendor entries works as a balancing account, assuming the physical delivery of goods (item receipt) occurs and is recorded before the vendor invoice arrives. When you enter and approve the item receipt, the account for inventory value is debited and the account for unreconciled vendor entries (suspense) is credited for the value of the delivery. When you later record the vendor invoice, the invoice amount is credited to the Vendor Control Account and debited to the account for unreconciled vendor entries. This prevents posting imbalances when items arrive in one period and the invoice in another.

    Another example occurs if you post the Vendor Invoice Journal before allocating G/L expense accounts to the invoice. The invoice will then be reallocated later in the workspace Reallocate Invoices. In this case, the Account for Unreconciled Vendor Entries serves as a suspense account for the value of vendor invoices that have not been finally allocated to G/L accounts or jobs.

    In the field “Being Paid” you enter a dimension combination. This account is an offset account to the dimension combination specified in the field “Post. ref., being paid” in the sub-tab of the workspace External Accounts in the Banking module. The account can be considered a “waiting account” on which amounts being paid are posted until the bank has completed the payments in question. When the payments are completed and approved, the amounts are transferred to the control account. The specified dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in this connection.

  • A/R Control Accounts — These are G/L posting references to customer control accounts (or A/R control accounts). These are normally balance sheet accounts.

    Using these control accounts, you can group customers in various G/L accounts receivable accounts. The sum of the balances for customer control accounts corresponds to the total balance for the accounts receivable module (or A/R subledger).

    In Maconomy Lawyer, the individual client’s balance is posted to various different accounts, depending on whether the client is paying or receiving money. The sum of these account balances correspond to the client account balances and outstanding balances with your clients. Client account balances can be printed.

    Enter a dimension combination containing the G/L account to be used for the control account in the field “Control Account.” The dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in connection with the control account.

    In Maconomy Lawyer, the account number corresponds to the dimension combination to the account for outstanding debts from all clients with the given control account.

    In the “Client Balance Account” you enter a G/L account number that must also be a control account. This field is only used in Maconomy Lawyer and points to the client account balance account for clients with the given control account.

    In the field “Being Collected” you enter a dimension combination. The account is an offset account to the account specified in the field “Account, being collected” in the sub-tab of the workspace External Accounts in the Banking module. The account can be considered a “waiting account” on which amounts being collected are posted until the bank has completed the collections in question. When the collections are completed and approved, the amounts are transferred to the control account. The specified dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used for other purposes.

    In the field “Debtor Provisions” you enter a dimension combination. Provisions created in the workspace Debtor Provisions By Invoice in the A/R module are credited to this balance account. The offset account to this account is specified in the workspace Posting References in the G/L module. This account is primarily used by reports showing invoices with amounts and provisions made on the invoices. When an invoice is fully reconciled with a payment (whether or not the full amount was paid), the amount posted on this account is reversed.

  • Account Group — Used for grouping G/L accounts, allowing the printout of information about the accounts in one specific group or all groups.
  • Areas — Used for the creation of options in the field “Area” in the workspace Campaigns in the contact management module.
  • Budget Type — Used for describing a budget model in the Budget module. A given fiscal year can only contain one budget model of a given type. The budget type is assigned to a new budget model in the workspace Create Budget Model or later in the workspace Budget Models. The budget type can, for example, be used for specifying the nature of the budget model, for example, “Internal Budget,” “External Budget,” “Anchor,” or “First Draft Year.” In reporting, you can use the budget type to extract data about a given budget.

    The field “Current” can be marked for no more than one budget type. Certain Portal reports displaying budget figures are based on the current budget type, meaning that the reports will display figures from the budget model whose budget type is marked as the current one.

  • Budget Version Type — Used for describing a version of a budget model in the Budget module. A given fiscal year can only contain one version of a budget model of a given version type. The budget version type is assigned to a budget model at the creation of a budget version in the workspace Budget Models. The budget version type can, for example, be used for specifying the nature of the version, for example, a “Preliminary” and an “Approved” version. In reporting, you can use the budget type to extract data about a given budget.
  • Carriers — Carriers are methods of delivery to customers. If the carrier has been created as a vendor, you can enter the number of the vendor in question. This way, you can add the name and address of the carrier to a number of printouts using Maconomy’s layout editing tools.
  • Cash Discount Codes — Cash discount codes are among other things used for specifying how much discount should be granted when a customer pays an invoice within a certain period. The codes apply to invoices reconciled in the workspace Customer Open Entry Reconciliation in the Accounts Receivable module. You specify the desired discount percentage in the field “Discount %.” In the field “Max Discount Percentage,” you can specify the upper limit to discounts granted on entries with the current cash discount code. This means you cannot approve the reconciliation of a payment against an entry pertaining to a customer with a given cash discount code if a discount greater than the upper limit of the discount code in question has been granted.

    The pop-up field can furthermore be used in connection with cash discounts on vendor invoices. An example of delivery terms might be “Net 10 Days, 2%.” In this case, you enter “2” in the field “Discount %,” “10” in the field “No. of Days,” and “Net” in the field “Net/EOM/Week.”

    You can then specify in the field “Tax Adjustment” if any tax amount should be adjusted according to a cash discount, or if the tax should remain as first indicated despite any cash discount. If you choose to adjust the tax amount according to the cash discount, then the cash discounts subsequently shown in the workspaces Payment Selection and Change Payment Selection in the Banking module will include tax. If you do not choose to adjust for tax, the cash discount amounts shown in the workspaces mentioned will exclude tax.

    When posting a payment journal which gave rise to a cash discount, the cash discount is posted excluding tax on a cash discount account, whereas the tax part of the cash discount is posted on an account for cash discount tax. Such an account is found by means of a dimension combination in the workspace Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module.

    The terms for achieving cash discount are specified on the individual vendor in the workspaces Payment Control and Company Specific Payment Control.

    Please note that adjusted cash discount tax when paying vendor invoices only works if the current vendor invoice is created in the workspace Vendor Invoices, and not General Journal.

  • Check Book — Used for specifying name and number on check books.

    In the field “First Check No.,” you specify the check number to be used for the first check book that is created.

    In the field “Next Check No.,” you specify the number to be used as the next check number. The number must be equal to or greater than the number specified in the field “First Check No.”

    By marking the field “Spaces in Written Amounts,” you can specify that amount texts are to be printed with spaces between the words. For instance, an amount such as “USD 100.00” will be printed out as “One hundred” if the field is marked, while it will be printed out as “Onehundred” if the field is not marked.

  • Company Customer State Type — These are used to specify the state of the company customer when it is in the approval process. When a new customer is created, the Default Customer State system parameter sets the Customer State field default value to the name listed in this table.
  • Company Popup 1-5 — Used for the creation of options to be used in the fields “Popup 1-5” in the workspace Company Information in the G/L module.
  • Company Tax Codes — This pop-up field is used for selecting the correct tax code on sales orders, credit orders, and vendor invoices, and for grouping customers and vendors in connection with extended tax reporting.

    In the first case, you distinguish between the registration of items on, for example, a sales order and the registration of amounts on G/L accounts in, for example, the workspace General Journal. However, the tax code is only determined from a tax table or G/L tax table if country dependent tax has been selected in the workspace System Information. When registering items, the company tax code is part of the selection criteria in the workspace Tax Tables in the G/L module. If the tax table does not contain any lines with the company tax code in question, Maconomy uses the tax code from the item. When you enter amounts on a G/L account, Maconomy checks if a G/L tax table has been selected for the company responsible for the entry in question. If it has, the company tax code is part of the selection criteria in the company’s G/L tax table. If no G/L tax table has been specified for the company or if no G/L tax table line contains the company tax code in question, Maconomy uses the tax code from the G/L account’s information card.

    In the second case, the company tax code is used for determining the tax report field in which the tax and/or tax basis for the entry in question is to be included. Tax report fields are created in the workspace Tax Report Fields, and defined in the workspace Tax Report Specification. You can thus define where on a tax form to put the different types of tax entries with which you work. The latter functionality is, however, only available if you have selected extended tax reporting in the workspace System Information.

  • Company Vendor State Type — These are used to specify the state of the company vendor when it is in the approval process. When a new vendor is created, the Default Vendor State system parameter sets the Vendor State field default value to the name listed in this table.
  • Consignment Type — Used for further specification of the handling of an order. The pop-up is for instance used for specifying the course of the order (for instance “Via Terminal”) or the type of items to be included in a consignment (for instance “Chilled Goods”).
  • Contact Company Popup 1-5— Used for the creation of options to be used in the fields “Popup 1-5” in the workspace Contact Companies in the Contact Management module.
  • Contact Mode — Used for the creation of options to be used in the field “Contact Mode” in the workspaces Campaigns, Events, Events per Contact Company, and Events per Employee in the Contact Management module.
  • Contact Person Popup 1-20 — Used for the creation of options to be used in the fields “Popup 1-5” in the workspace Contact Persons in the Contact Management module.
  • Currencies — Specify the currencies to be used in Maconomy here. Enter a name only. In the field “ISO Code” you can enter the currency’s ISO code, which is used for automatic payments.

    In the fields “Monetary Unit 1” and “Monetary Unit 2,” you can enter the monetary units of the currency in question, for example dollars and cents.

  • Customer Groups — These are used for grouping customers for statistical purposes. Enter a name only.
  • Customer Popup 1-5 — These are used in the workspace Customer Information Card for specifying additional information about customers. The pop-up values on a customer are transferred to quotes, orders, invoices, and so on, in the Sales Orders module.
  • Customer State Type — Use this column to enter names for the state of the customer when it is in the approval process. When a new customer is created, the Default Customer State system parameter sets the Customer State field default value.
  • Customer Types — These are used for grouping customers for statistical purposes. Enter a name only.
  • Day of Month — In this field, specify a date to use as due date for the "Day of Month" method.
  • Days — Select this check box to assign the unit value you created to "days".

    You can select this check box for only one unit value.

  • Deferment Causes — Used for specifying the reason why a line in the workspace Approval Lists has not been approved. Enter a name only.
  • Delivery Modes — Delivery modes are used when entering item purchase orders. Enter the name of the code. In the field “EU Shipment code,” enter the one-digit official EU code to describe how the delivery is made. This code is only used for Intrastat reports and is issued by the EU.
  • Delivery Terms — Delivery terms are used when entering item purchase orders. Enter a name only.
  • Departure Types — This pop-up type is not used in the current version of Maconomy.
  • Depreciation Methods — There are two different depreciation methods, both linear: Straight Line and Straight Line, By month. The first one does the calculation on a daily basis, the second one on a monthly.
  • Duty Code — These are used for specifying the duty code to be used in connection with the workspaces Item Purchase Orders, Item Receipt, and Item Information Card. A duty code consists of a name and a duty rate. The duty rate must be larger than or equal to zero.
  • E-Form Popup 1-10 - This pop-up field is used to create options for pop-up fields in an e-form type or e-form.
  • Employee Popup 1-5 — Used for the creation of options to be used in the fields “Popup 1-5” in the workspace Employee Information Card.
  • Employee Types — These are used for grouping employees. Enter a name only.
  • Enterprises — Enterprise is used for grouping customers to make statistics. Enter a name only.
  • Event Type — Used for the creation of options to be used in the field “Event Type” in the workspaces Campaigns, Events, Events per Contact Company, and Events per Employee in the Contact Management module. In the field “Note Type,” specify the note type whose heading options should be available as headings in the sub-tab of the workspace Events. For more information, see the description of the field “Heading” in the workspace Events. When assigning a note to a given event, it will only be possible to assign a note of the type specified in the definition of the event type in question. When you have specified a note type, you can also mark the field “Create Aut. Note.” When this field is marked for an event type, creating an event of the type in question will cause Maconomy to automatically create a note of the type specified for that event type and assign it to the new event. This means that it is not necessary to manually create and assign a note to the event or select the action “Create Note” in the workspace Events.
  • Forecast Popup 1-5 — Used for the creation of options to be used in the fields “Forecast Popup 1-5” in the workspace Opportunity Budgets in the Contact Management module.
  • Hours — Select this check box to assign the unit value you created to "hours".

    You can select this check box for only one unit value.

  • Invoicing Form — Specifies the desired invoicing forms in connection with subscriptions. For each invoicing form, it is possible to specify whether invoicing is to take place periodically or per delivery. If you choose to deliver periodically, the period must be specified. It is also possible to specify that deliveries must be paid in advance.

    If you choose to invoice periodically, you must specify a period by marking either the field “No. of Days” or the field “Number of months.”

    The field “Per delivery” must be marked if the current invoicing form is used for standing orders in the subscription module. For standing orders, it applies that invoicing is done concurrently with delivery and not periodically.

    If you choose periodic invoicing and prefer invoicing and payment to take place prior to delivery, the field “To be paid in advance” must be marked.

  • Item Popup 1-5 — These are used in the workspace Item Information Card for specifying additional information about items. The pop-up values on an item are transferred to, for example, order lines in the Sales Orders module.
  • Item Types — Item types are used for classifying items. They are distinct from item groups. Item types are used for statistics and to limit the scope of customer discount agreements. Enter a name only.
  • Item Tax Codes — Used for group items, charges and activities. The item tax code is only used when you select “Extended Tax Reporting” in the workspace System Information.
  • Job Budget Types — These are used for grouping different types of job budgets in the field “Budget Type” in the workspace Job Budgets in the Job Cost module. The job budget type in Maconomy’s standard set-up is called “Original.”

    In the field “Change only for quotes,” you can mark the jobs for which it is allowed to change the budget. If you mark the field, budgets of the current type can only be changed for jobs on quote, whereas budgets for jobs, which are on order, cannot be changed. If, on the other hand, you have not marked the field, budgets of the current type can be changed for jobs on order.

    The field “Standard opportunity budget type” can only be marked for one budget type. The field is used in relation to the workspace Opportunity Budgets. In the workspace Opportunity Budgets, you can select a template job, and preview the different budgets of this job using the field “Show Budget.” If no budget type is selected there, the budget type for which the field “Standard opportunity budget type” is marked is displayed. If the field is not marked on any budget type, the baseline budget of the template job is shown.

  • Job State Type - Use this column to enter names for the job when it is in the approval process. When a new job is created, the Default Job State system parameter sets the Job State field's default value.
  • Job Popup 1-5 — These are used when you create various options for the fields “Popup 1-5” in the workspace Jobs in the Job Cost module.
  • Language — Languages are used for specifying customers’ and vendors’ languages, generally for issuance of various external documents. Enter a name only.

    You can use languages to specify external printouts, such as invoices and account statements. By adding various language printouts using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, you can print external documents in these languages. Furthermore, in the workspace Language Texts, you can translate specific texts, such as activity texts, into the languages created in this pop-up type. See the workspace Language Texts for a further description of this functionality.

    Languages are also used for retrieving item texts of various languages for item lines in the sales orders module. For item texts, it is only necessary to create three language versions, in that the first three languages in the pop-up field menu correspond to the three item texts in the workspace Item Information Card in the Inventory module.

  • Minimum No. of Days — In this field, you can specify a value for the minimum length of a payment term in days.
  • Nature of Transaction — These are used for specifying which Nature of Transaction you are reporting in Intrastat Reports to the tax authorities. The nature of transaction is entered on the sales order or item purchase order.

    In the field “EU Type,” you enter the official transaction types that are issued by your tax authorities.

  • Net/EOM/Week/Day of Month — An existing field. Renamed to include the "Day of Month" method.
  • Notification Category — This pop-up field is not used after version 9.0 Service Pack 5. For this pop-up field, you can define notification categories and their priority types. Notifications are used in the Maconomy Portal, and each notification belongs to a category. The categories are referenced in the workspace Notification Types. In the Name field, specify the name of the notification category you want to create, for example, “Alert” or “Message.” In the Priority Type field, select an option list which contains priority options. The selected option list will be suggested as default in the workspace Notification Types. For more information, please see the description of the workspace Notification Types.
  • Offset Accounts — These are used for simplifying data entries in the general journal. The field “Posting Reference” must be filled in with a dimension combination containing the G/L account number for the specified offset, for example, the bank account. The dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in this connection.
  • Order Modes— These are used for grouping orders for statistical purposes.

    Mark the End User Required field if you want to require the entry of an end customer number on orders of the given mode.

  • Overtime Type - These fields are used to create different overtime types to use in time sheets.

    Select the Include in Regular Time check box to include the selected overtime type in an employee's regular time. Note that the Exclude Overtime from Time Sheets functionality must also be enabled in the Employees workspace to utilize this feature.

    When this check box is selected, regular time is equal to all registrations except for the ones with deselected overtime types.

    If the Exclude Overtime from Time Sheets functionality is disabled, this field does not affect calculation of time sheets.

  • Payment Terms — This information is used for calculating the date on which invoices become due for payment. In the field “Net/EOM/Week,” you type Net, EOM, or Week. Net indicates that the invoice is due a specified number of days after the invoice date. EOM (end of month) means the invoice is due a specified number of days after the last day of the current month. Week means that the invoice is due a specified number of days after the last day of the current week.

    In the field “No. of Days,” you specify the number of days to be added in the above three calculations, Net, EOM, or Week. If the number of days is zero, and the calculation method is Net, the terms of payment are thus Net Cash (or COD).

    If you specify days as 30, 60, 90 and so on, Maconomy interprets them as one month, two months, and so on. However, if the calculation method is EOM, 30, 60, 90 days, and so on, is interpreted as the last day in the following month, the month after that, and so on.

    However, you can also enter a “No. of Months,” If you also fill out this field, the above functionality is by-passed, that is: 30 days will be 30 days and not one month.

    Mark the field “Payment when Paid” if the current payment term is for payment when paid. If you mark the field, the corresponding field will automatically be marked on vendor invoices where the current payment term is used. However, the field can be unmarked on the individual vendor invoices. For further information about the Payment when Paid functionality, see the description of the system parameter “Enable Payment when Paid,” which must be marked to be able to mark this field.

    If the field “Business Days” is marked, then the due date calculated using the payment terms must be a business day (according to the holiday calendar in use.) If it is not marked, the due date can be any day.

    If the field “A/R, Next Business Day” is marked, then if the invoice due date that is calculated using the payment terms must be a business day and it is not, the due date will be changed to the next business day. If not marked, and if the invoice due date calculated using the payment terms must be a business day and it is not, it will change the due date to the previous business day. It will be applied only if “Business Days” is marked.

    If the field “A/P, Next Business Day” is marked, then if the vendor invoice due date that is calculated using the payment terms must be a business day and it is not, the due date will be changed to the next business day. If not marked, and if the vendor invoice due date calculated using the payment terms must be a business day and it is not, it will change the due date to the previous business day. It will be applied only if “Business Days” is marked.

  • Primary Dates — Primary dates are used for supplying a common set of dates for traffic plans in the Job Cost module. Primary dates make it possible to compare traffic plans across jobs and to use similar criteria in traffic status reports. The primary dates are selectable in the sub-tab of the workspace Timing Plans in the Job Cost module and are shown as table column headings in the workspace.
  • Prior Periods — Prior periods are used when posting to closed periods, for instance in connection with an old fiscal year.

    You can specify a period and a fiscal year for a prior period. If you do so, the prior period will be open in the specified period only. It is optional whether you wish to use a specific period or fiscal year in connection with prior periods.

    In the field “Sub-Total Account,” you can specify a dimension combination containing the account number to be used on period end transfers between two financial periods. The specified dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used for other purposes. A period end transfer will automatically be made if you specify a prior period in the sub-tab of the workspace General Journal without specifying that the journal is a prior period journal. When the journal is posted, three entries will be made for each line causing a period end transfer. One entry on the account specified on the line in question and two entries on the sub-total account which is found by means of the dimension combination specified in this field. If, for example, a journal line contains a debit amount of $1,000 on account number 2130 with the posting date of 10/1-98, and the field “Prior-Period” contains a prior period with the ending date 31/12-97, Maconomy will automatically create the following entries: On account number 2130, $1.000 is debited with the posting date 31/12-97, that is, the last day in the specified prior period. On the sub-total account, $1,000 is credited with the posting date 10/1-98. Finally, $1,000 is debited on the period end transfer account with the posting date 10/1-98. The functionality is similar when the prior-period is after the current period. However, the entries in the prior-period are assigned a posting date corresponding to the first day of the prior-period instead of the last.

    In the fields “Period” and “Fiscal Year,” you can specify either a period or a fiscal year for a prior period.

    In the field “Open For Registration,” you can specify whether the post-entry is open for registering data.

    In the field “Open For Import,” you can specify whether the post-entry is open for the import of data.

    In the workspace Import Journals in the enterprise module, you can import a financial entry that belongs to the open posting interval and has an entry date that falls within the post-entry period. If you do so, Maconomy creates an extra journal indicating the post-entry period in question.

  • Property Types — Used for grouping properties in the workspace Property Information Card in the Inventory module. For instance, properties such as 110 volts and 220 volts can be grouped in a property type called “Potential Difference.”
  • Provision Cause — Used for providing the user with a number of predefined reasons for creating provisions in the workspace Debtor Provisions By Invoice in the A/R module. The user can select from the provision causes specified in this workspace, which can subsequently be used as selection criteria in reports.
  • Report Formats — Used for specifying the format of printed G/L Reports. In the fields “Style Type,” “Style Format,” and “Style Size,” you can specify information about the appearance of the font.

    The standard formats in Maconomy are: “Normal,” “Bold,” “Underline,” “Italic,” and “Small.” You cannot create additional options, but if you wish to use other formats, you can redefine the standard formats using Maconomy’s layout editing tools.

    In the field “Overrun Text,” you can specify whether text should overrun when exceeding the column width.

  • Purchase Order Status — On a purchase order, you can specify a status code which can, for example, be used when closing a purchase order manually. This way, you can easily find manually closed purchase orders using the Find menu.
  • Segments — Segment is used for grouping customers to make statistics. Enter a name only.
  • Service Contract Status Codes — Service contract status codes are used for grouping service contracts for statistical purposes. Enter a name only.
  • Service Job Types — Service job types are used for grouping service jobs for statistical purposes. Enter a name only.
  • Skill Type — This pop-up type defines the skill types to be used in the field “Type” in the workspace Skills and is used to describe certain skills and other employee properties of interest for job planning purposes.
  • Standard Descriptions — Standard Descriptions are used with entries in general journals and vendor invoices. You can enter any number of frequently used entry descriptions, eliminating the need to type these each time they are used.
  • Style — In this pop-up type, you can create the options to be available in the fields of the island Style Selection in the workspace Line Styles in the G/L module. The line style functionality is used when printing G/L report output to RTF files. The options created here only represent style names, and not the formats implied in these styles, as the actual formats of the styles whose names you create here should be defined in one or several template RTF files to which you can then refer when printing G/L reports to RTF files. As the options created here are used for applying the relevant styles to the output data lines, it is very important that the style names here are identical to those used in the relevant template RTF documents. For a detailed description of the use of styles when creating RTF files in connection with G/L reports, see the workspace Line Styles.
  • Subscription Group — Subscription groups are used for dividing subscriptions into different groups in the workspace Subscription Information Card in the add-on module Subscription.
  • Subscription Status — Subscription status is used in connection with subscription order lines in the add-on module Subscription. The field is described in detail in the workspace Subscription Order Lines.
  • Tax Account References — Tax code references are used in the workspace Tax Reporting Units for specifying which G/L accounts are to be used in tax reporting. In the field “Name,” you can enter the name of the tax reporting item.
  • Tax Popup 1-10 — Use the pop-up fields for reporting purposes. They are available in Tax Codes and G/L Tax Codes, and they are shown in the VAT Settlement Entries sub-tab of the Show G/L Entries single dialog workspace.
  • Tax Type — Tax types are used in the workspace Finance Tax Codes in the G/L module for grouping entries used in the calculation of tax settlement. In the field “Include on Printout,” you can specify for each tax type whether it is to appear on tax settlement printouts sorted by tax type. This allows you to ensure that tax types that are no longer in used are not included on printouts. For further information, see the description of the action “Print Settlement” in the General Ledger module.
  • Time Sheet Popup 1 — In combination with the registration of work time intervals in time sheets (see the island “Fixed Working Hours” in the workspace Employees), you can specify that the field “Time Sheet Popup 1” must be completed in case there is a difference between an employee’s expected working hours and the actual working hours for a day. This is done by marking the system parameter “Popup 1 required if difference between exp. and act. work hours.” If the system parameter is marked, you must choose among the pop-up options specified for this pop-up field. This could, for example, be “Overtime” and “Flextime.” This way, the user could specify that the difference should be paid out (“Overtime”) or added to/subtracted from his or her Flextime account (“Flextime”). Note that the fields are for information only.
  • Time Unit — Time units are used for specifying the time unit to be used in connection with the pricing of subscriptions that are settled according to their duration. It is possible to define an arbitrary number of time units, and a time unit can be defined as a number of months or a number of days or a number of hours.

    If the time unit is less than a month, you must enter a number of days in the field “No. of Days” or a number of hours in the field “No. of Hours.” If the time unit goes beyond 24 hours, you must specify a number of days or a number of hours. Similarly, if the time unit goes beyond a month, you must enter a number of months. It is not possible to enter a number in more than one column.

  • Traffic Status Flag — Traffic status flags are used for assigning a status to primary dates of traffic plans in the Job Cost module.
  • Transaction Mode — Used in the workspace Inventory Change for further description of each inventory change transaction. If, for instance, you wish to register shrinkage in an inventory movement, the transaction mode can be used for specifying whether the shrinkage was caused by breakage or discarding. Transaction modes are also used in the workspace Print Inventory Journal, where you can choose to print inventory journals for a given transaction mode.
  • Transaction No. Series — This pop-up type is used for creating the names of the transaction number series which are defined for each company in the workspace Transaction No. Series. This functionality can, for instance, be used for keeping entries of different nature separated. For example, it can be practical to have a separate number series for entries regarding fixed assets.
  • Units — This is used for defining the units in which an item is recorded in a warehouse. Examples are piece, pound, box, tube, and so on. Enter the name of the unit only.
  • Vehicle Type — This is used for defining vehicle types. At least one vehicle type must be defined to use mileage sheets and mileage rules.
  • Vendor Groups — These are used for group vendors for statistical purposes. Enter a name only.
  • Vendor Popup 1-5 — These are used in the workspace Vendor Information Card for specifying additional information about vendors. The pop-up values on a vendor are transferred to a number of vendor related transactions in the A/P module, for instance Vendor Invoices.
  • Vendor State Type — These are used to specify the state of the vendor when it is in the approval process. When a new vendor is created, the Default Vendor State system parameter sets the Vendor State field default value to the name listed in this table.

For further information, see Related Topics.

Amount 1-4 Enter amounts related to the current popup field.
Boolean 1-4 Select the checkbox to assign attributes to the current popup field.
Code Number

This field displays the code number of the current popup field.

Code Type This field displays the code type selected for the field that contains a reference to the popup field.
Date 1-4 Enter or select a number of dates related to the current popup field.
Instance Key This field shows the current popup field's unique identity in the Maconomy database.
Integer 1-4 Enter integer information related to the current popup field.
Real 1-4 Enter information related to the current popup field in the form of real numbers, that is, decimal numbers.
String 1-4

Enter string values related to the current popup field.

Time 1-4

Enter certain key times related to the current popup field.

Transaction Timestamp

This field shows the date and time of creation or the latest revision of the current line.

Amount 1-5, Extension Enter information related to the titles assigned to the Amount 1-5, Extension Title fields.

Note: Maconomy dynamically derives the field names of the columns in the Values sub-tab from the titles that you define in the Popup Field tab .The fields display only when there are entries in any of the corresponding fields in the Popup Field sub-tab.

Boolean 1-5, Extension Enter information related to the titles assigned to the Boolean 1-5, Extension Title fields.

Note: Maconomy dynamically derives the field names of the columns in the Values sub-tab from the titles that you define in the Popup Field tab. The fields display only when there are entries in any of the corresponding fields in the Popup Field sub-tab.

Date 1-5, Extension Enter information related to the titles assigned to the Date 1-5, Extension Title fields.

Note: Maconomy dynamically derives the field names of the columns in the Values sub-tab from the titles that you define in the Popup Field tab. The fields display only when there are entries in any of the corresponding fields in the Popup Field sub-tab.

Integer 1-5, Extension Enter information related to the titles assigned to the Integer 1-5, Extension Title fields.

Note: Maconomy dynamically derives the field names of the columns in the Values sub-tab from the titles that you define in the Popup Field tab. The fields display only when there are entries in any of the corresponding fields in the Popup Field sub-tab.

Real 1-5, Extension Enter information related to the titles assigned to the Real 1-5, Extension Title fields.

Note: Maconomy dynamically derives the field names of the columns in the Values sub-tab from the titles that you define in the Popup Field tab. The fields display only when there are entries in any of the corresponding fields in the Popup Field sub-tab.

String 1-5, Extension Enter information related to the titles assigned to the String 1-5, Extension Title fields.

Note: Maconomy dynamically derives the field names of the columns in the Values sub-tab from the titles that you define in the Popup Field tab. The fields display only when there are entries in any of the corresponding fields in the Popup Field sub-tab.

Time 1-5, Extension Enter information related to the titles assigned to the Time 1-5, Extension Title fields.

Note: Maconomy dynamically derives the field names of the columns in the Values sub-tab from the titles that you define in the Popup Field tab. The fields display only when there are entries in any of the corresponding fields in the Popup Field sub-tab.