Intrastat Items Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Intrastat Items tab.

Item Island

Field Description
Zip Code This is the number given to the entry in the declaration. It is the same as the entry’s line number in the table part of the Intrastat Declarations window. It cannot be changed.
CN Code This is the CN code of the item. It cannot be changed.
Item Description This is the item text according to the CN code. It cannot be changed.
Item This is the item number and description. It cannot be changed.

If you have chosen “By Item” in the “Intrastat Specification” field in the System Information window, Maconomy will create a new entry for every item number when you choose “Create Entries”. You can also create new specification lines for the same item number.

If, instead, you choose “By CN Code”, Maconomy gathers items with the same CN code in one entry. You can also create new specification lines for items with different item numbers but the same CN code. For automatically created entries, the field shows the item number of the first line created.

Information Island

Field Description
Country This is the country (member state) of your trading partner. It cannot be changed manually.
Nature This is the transaction type. It cannot be changed manually.
Internal Reference In this field, you can enter an internal reference to identify the current Intrastat entry.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the name and number of the company registered for the current Intrastat entry.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.
EU Reporting Currency This field displays the EU reporting currency used in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. The EU reporting currency is selected for the current company in the window Company Information. In the files created for Intrastat and Sales List System all amounts are displayed in the individual company’s EU reporting currency.

Status Island

Field Description
Auto. Created This field is marked if the entry is created using the action “Create Entries”. It cannot be changed.
Remarks Here you can enter a comment about the entry. It is not shown in the official report.

Item Total Island

Field Description
Quantity This is the total number of sales units. It cannot be changed manually.
Unit This is the item’s sales unit. Maconomy alerts you if the try to create a specification line for an item with the same CN code and a different sales unit. It cannot be changed manually.
Stat. Value, Base This field displays the entry’s market value in the company’s EU reporting currency rounded to a whole amount. If there are specification lines for the entry, the field will show the sum of the figures in the field “Value, Base” on every line in the table part. The contents of the field cannot be changed manually.
Stat. Value, EU Rep. This field displays the entry’s market value in the company’s EU reporting currency rounded off to a whole amount. If there are specification lines for the entry, the field will show the sum of the figures in the field “Value, EU Rep.” on every line in the table part. The contents of the field cannot be changed manually.
Exchange Rate Date This field displays the date which should be used when converting amounts into the chosen reporting currency on manually created entries. Maconomy uses the valid exchange rates specified in the enterprise exchange rate table selected in the window System Information in the Set-Up module for conversion of currency amounts.
Net Weight This is the total net weight of the item entry in kilos. In the official report, the weight is rounded off to the nearest whole kilo, the smallest possible value being one kilo. If there are specification lines for the entry, the value here is the sum of the “Net Weight” fields on the lines in the table. It cannot be changed manually.
Suppl. units This is the entry’s total quantity in supplementary units. If the item has a conversion factor in the item information card, the value is found by dividing the “Quantity” field by the conversion factor. It cannot be changed manually.
Partial Shipment This shows whether the item is part of the delivery of a previous main entry. If the field is marked, Maconomy enters 9999999999 in the “Supplementary Units” field in the official report. It cannot be changed manually.

Report and Declaration Island

Field Description
Report No. This is the number of the report the entry is in. The value cannot be changed.
Declaration No. This is the number of the declaration the entry is in. The value cannot be changed.
Declaration Type This shows whether the declaration is for and import or an export. The value cannot be changed.