Partners Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Partners sub-tab.

Field Description
Contact Company No. Enter the contact company number for the contact company that you want to associate as partner.
Name This field shows the partner contact company’s name.
Address 1-2 These fields show the first and second lines of the partner’s address.
Postal Code This field shows the postal code of the partner’s address.
City This field shows the city of the partner’s address.
Address 3-4 These fields show the third and fourth lines of the partner’s address.
Attn. This field shows the partner’s attention person.
Country This field shows the country of the partner’s address.
Phone This field shows the partner’s telephone number.
E-mail This field shows the partner’s e-mail address.
Department This field shows the department to which the partner pertains.
Sales Rep. No. This field shows the sales representative number for the partner sales representative.
Sales Rep. This field shows the name of the partner sales representative.
Role Enter the partner’s role for the opportunity. You can edit this field.