Specification of Output Data Fields Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Specification of Output Data Fields tab.

Field Description Island

Field Description
Record ID This field displays the record ID that the current output data field is assigned to. When you create an output data field, you write the name of the record ID that the field should be assigned to in this field. It is not possible to change the record ID assignment for existing output data records.

By specifying a record ID you split up the fields in groups. It is possible to assign a record ID to any given record, which means that all fields with the specified ID are assigned to the record and displayed in the table part of the record in question. All fields with the specified record ID are printed to the payment file along with the assigned record when creating the payment file.

Field No. In this field you can specify a field number. The field number defines the sort order of fields printed to the payment file that are from the same record. The field number can later be changed by using one of the actions in the Action menu.
Alt. Field No. In this field you can specify an alternative or secondary field number, that is, a subordinate field number. By specifying such a number you create a series of coherent fields. This can be, for example, to fields with the number 46, only the fields are subordinated as alternative field numbers. The contents of alternative fields assigned to the same field are combined in a single string.

This function is also useful in connection with specification of conditions. It is possible to create a conditional construction by specifying a condition for the alternative field #1. If the condition is fulfilled, field #1 and #2 are printed, otherwise only field #2 is printed. If at the same time a condition has been specified for field #2, this corresponds to a construction of the type IF-ELSEIF. For further information about conditional sentences, see the description of the island Conditional Expression.

Description In this field you can write a short description of the current output data field’s role in the payment format.

Special Island

Field Description
Multiple Fields If this field is marked, there are one or more fields with the same field number, but with a higher alternative field number. All fields in such a series of fields are marked in this field with the exception of the last field in the series.
No. of Repeats In this field, you can specify how many times the current field should be repeated, that is, the number of times the field’s value should be printed to the payment file. Certain formats can be used to specify that specific (identical) fields should be printed. This is done by specifying that the field should be repeated x number of times.

This function is typically used for printing remittance line in connection with a collective vendor settlement. You can, for example, specify that the payment file should include one line per invoice to be settled. Also, empty fields are printed.

Field Handling Island

Field Description
Record ID In this field, you can specify a record ID in connection with copying and transfer of fields. For further information about record IDs, see the description of the actions in the Action menu.
Field No. In this field, you can specify a field number in connection with copying and moving fields. For further information about field numbers, see the description of the actions in the Action menu.
Alt. Field No. In this field, you can specify an alternative field number in connection with copying and moving fields. For further information about alternative field numbers, see the description of the actions in the Action menu.
Insert Quantity In connection with insertion of fields you should specify the number of fields to be inserted in this field. For further information about insertion of fields, see the description of the action “Enter Field” in the Action menu.

Field Tag Island

Field Description
Tag These fields are used to generate XML-based payment formats, for example, the EU SEPA format. Maconomy will, if specified, create a tag in the XML payment file with the given name and the three attributes.
Attribute 1-3 Identification See the description of the “Tag Identification” field.
Attribute 1-3 Value See the description of the “Tag Identification” field.

Conditional Expression Island

In this island, you can specify a condition that should be fulfilled before the current field is printed to the payment file when creating the file. A condition consists of a Boolean (logical) expression, for example:

#VARIABLE.7 > 0,00

Variable Operations Island

Field Description
Variable Operations If this field is marked, the variable operations specified in the fields “1-10” below are executed. If the field is not marked, the operations are not executed.
1-20 In these fields, you can specify calculation formulas for the variables specified for the current format in the window Specification of Output Data Formats. The number refers to the variable with the corresponding number in the window Specification of Output Data Formats - variable 1 = variable 1, variable 2 = variable 2, and so on.

The variable operation takes place right before the actual field is written to the file. Fields are written to the file after the record to which they are assigned.

As an example of a calculation you can add the amount from the current payment order to the variable which specifies the total amount for the entire payment file. If you have specified that variable 5 is of the type “Amount Field” in the window Specification of Output Data Formats, you can write the following in no. 5 in this island:


The result is that variable 5 is assigned the value of variable 5 plus the amount from the current payment order.

You can also refer to the special variable #VARIABLE.0, which contains the value currently written to the payment file.

Note: In “Appendix D: Reference Fields in Format Specifications” of the Reference Manual you can find a list of all fields that can be referred to.

Field Contents Island

In this island, you specify information about the field’s format and contents.

Field Description
Field Type In this field, you specify the field type. The type is validated upon printing to the payment file. The following options are available:
  • Constant — Specifies the constant value in the field “Contents.” The field “Table” should be left empty.
  • Not Used — Inserts an empty field in the payment file. Other fields in this island are ignored. Use this option if the definition of the payment file allows specification of information in the payment file that you do not want specified or that is not supported by Maconomy. This corresponds to the specification of a constant with no contents, but this is more accurate label.
  • Reference Field — This field type allows you to print a field value in Maconomy’s database. The table from which the field is copied is specified in the below field “Table,” and the field name is specified in the field “Contents.” You can find a list of valid field names in “Appendix D: Reference Fields in Format Specifications” in the Reference Manual.
  • New Remittance Field — This field type specifies that the field is a remittance field. The remittance text is copied from the table part of the window Payment Modes in the Banking module and is subject to the selection made in the window. The field will be a bundle of all fields in the table part combined in one string (concatenation).
  • Remittance Field — If you specify this type, you can have the current field display various information from the vendor entry. This is done by referring to the desired information in the field “Content.” If you do not specify a reference in the field “Content,” the field will show the amount paid in the currency of the entry in question.

    The following references can be made:















Table If the field has the type “Reference Field,” the table of the reference field is specified in this field.
Code Type If the contents of the field are a reference to a pop-up field, you must specify the pop-up field type in this field. You can choose between the code types CurrencyType and CountryType. The last mentioned type, however, was made obsolete from Maconomy version 5.0.

To refer to the values in a pop-up field you must specify the field in which the desired value is specified in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. You can, for example, refer to a currency’s ISO code by specifying the following in this field:


This requires that the field is a reference field and that you refer to a field of the type CurrencyType in the field “Contents,” for example:


Pop-up fields contain the following fields (the top field is the key value and is not listed below):

#String 1-4

#Amount 1-2

#Real 1-3

#Integer 1-2

#Boolean 1-2

Contents In this field, you specify the contents of the field. The contents depend on the value specified in the field “Field Type” above.
Contents Type In this field, you can specify which field type you are referring to. The type is verified upon printout of the payment file.

The following types exist:

Type Content
Integer Field Integer
Amount Field Amount
Text Field Text
Boolean Field “TRUE” or “FALSE”
Date Field Date
Time Field Time
Decimal Field Real number
Format In this field, you can specify the format of the field. The contents of this field depend on the field contents type specified in the field “Contents Type.”
Field Type Format Description
Integer field <empty> Integer.
Amount field #DELETESIGN Removes signs from negative amounts.
#DOLLARAMOUNT Displays the dollar part of the amount.
#CENTAMOUNT Displays the cent part of the amount. Can be used in formats where the dollar and cent part of the amount should be displayed in separate fields.



Formats the amount like this: Dollar part + the sign specified as decimal separator in the window Specification of Output Data Formats + Cent part.
Text field #REMOVEBLANKS Removes all blank characters.
#UPPERCASE Converts the string to capitals.
#SUBSTITUTETEXT Substitutes characters according to the conversion table in the window Specification of Output Data Formats.
#FORMATS Transfers the string only.
Boolean field <empty> The value is converted in accordance with the selection made in the fields "Yes" and "No" in the window Specification of Output Data Formats.
Date field

Combinations of:






The date elements specified can be entered in any order. Separators are specified as "T" followed by the desired character/sign.
Time field

Combinations of:




The specified time elements can be specified in any order. You cannot use separators.
Decimal field <empty> Real value.

Text fields: You can only combine more format definitions using a space, for example:


Fixed Length In this field, you can specify the maximum number of characters allowed in the field. If the value in the field is shorter than the specified fixed length, the value in the field “Fill Character” is copied to this field. If the value is longer, an error message is displayed when you create the payment file.
Min. Length In this field, you can specify a minimum length for the current output data field. A specification in this field also indicates that the field should be completed.
Max. Length In this field, you can specify a maximal length for the current output data field. If the value is longer, an error message is displayed when you create the payment file.
Verify Field Length The field length is only verified if this field is marked. When the verification takes place depends on the contents of the field. The verification often takes place when you create the payment file, but may also take place when, for example, entering an account number in the window Vendor Information Card.
Modulus Principle In this field, you can specify a modulus verification of the field’s value. The modulus verification often has to be carried out for account numbers. You can choose between the modulus calculation methods available in the window Modulus Calculation in the Set-Up module.
Alignment In this field, you can specify how the contents of the field should be aligned in the payment file: “Right justified” or “Left justified.”
Fill Character In this field, you can specify a fill character that is used in fields with a fixed length. If you do not specify a fill character in this field, a blank character (space) will be used.

User Island

Field Description
Created This field shows the date and name of the user who created the data field.
Changed This field shows the date and name of the user who recently made changes to the data field.
Version This field shows the latest version number of the data field. The number is incremented by one each time a change is made to the data field.