Talent Management Countries Tab

Use up to this workspace to map Talent Management countries to Maconomy countries.

Talent Management Island

Field Description
Talent Mgmt. Country Select the country associated with the employee in Talent Management. The country displays and the related ID auto-populates.
Abbrev. This field shows the abbreviation of this country, derived from Talent Management.

Maconomy Island

Field Description
Maconomy Country Select the country in Maconomy that corresponds to the Talent Management country.
Note: If you want the Talent Management country to map to the Employee Country field, then select its value here.
Maconomy Name 5 Enter a Maconomy country name as a free text. It is saved in Employee Name 5 field.
Note: If you want the Talent Management country to map to the Employee Name 5 field, then select its value here.

User Island

Field Description
Created This field shows the name of the user who initially created the information in this workspace.
Changed This field shows the date on which the information was last updated.
Version This field shows the number of versions for country mapping. Maconomy automatically increases the version number by one every time the information on the line is changed. It is not possible to retrieve previous versions.