System Information Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the System Information tab.

General Ledger Island

Field Description
Retained Earnings Account In this field, enter a dimension combination containing the account to be used for year-end closing. The dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in this connection. Note that you can only enter a dimension combination on which no account number has been specified on potential lines in the sub-tab. This is due to the fact that the same account is used by all companies in the multi-company structure. However, if you are using local charts of accounts and want to carry out year-end closings for these local charts of accounts, the dimension combination must be set up so that for each company, Maconomy can find a valid value in the local dimension used for local charts of accounts.

When you close the fiscal year, net income is posted to this account. You must enter an account number to be able to close a fiscal year. See the description of the workspace Year-End Closing in the G/L module.

When you print a balance, this account will always reflect the retained earnings after running a year end close, regardless of whether or not the year has actually been closed.

Template Company In this field, you can enter a company number. The company must exist in the workspace Company Information and the field “Separate System Numbers” must be marked for the company. The standard company is used as a template at the creation of companies in the workspace Company Information in the G/L module. If the field “Separate System Numbers” is marked on a new company, the standard company’s next available numbers in the workspaces System Numbers, Number Series, and Trans. No. Series are transferred to the system numbers of the new company.
Template Account Enter a G/L account number to be used as a template for creating accounts in the Account Information Card in the G/L module.
Local chart of accounts In this field, you can specify which of the three local dimensions is used as a local chart of accounts. The field is used in connection with year-end closing in the G/L module. When carrying out year-end closing for local chart of accounts, the year-end closing is carried out for the dimension selected in this field. For further information on year-end closing using local chart of accounts, please see the introduction to the workspace Year-End Closing in the G/L module.
Summary Postings Here you specify how you wish to summarize entries where the field “Summary Posting” has been marked in a general journal. You can choose between the following:
  • By Journal — Entries in a journal with identical entry date, account number (G/L account, customer number or vendor number, job number, company, entry date, company, location, entity, project, purpose, spec. 1-3, local spec. 1-3, tax type, prior-period, reference date, external transaction number, and intercompany company are summarized in one G/L entry. Maconomy uses the journal number as the transaction number. Several of the fields mentioned above will often be empty as you, for example, do not have to enter an external transaction number.
  • By Trans. No. — Entries with identical values in the fields mentioned above as well as the transaction number transaction number in a journal with the same account number (G/L account, customer number, or vendor number), entry date, company, location, entity, project, purpose, spec. 1-3, and local spec. 1-3 are summarized in one G/L entry which is assigned the transaction number in question.
Reuse Trans. No. You can mark this field if you wish to reuse a transaction number for posting to the workspace General Journal in the G/L module, for creating vendor invoices and credit memos in the workspace Vendor Invoices in the Accounts Payable module, and for creating a general journal in the workspace Commission Calculation in the Sales Orders module. If you do not mark the field, Maconomy checks that each transaction number entered in the mentioned workspaces is unique, meaning that it has not been used on a journal entry in a non-posted general or vendor invoice journal or on an already posted G/L entry.
Carry Forward Inv. Sign In the sub-tab of the workspace G/L Report Set-Up, you can mark the field “Invert Sign.” This field controls either the sign on printouts or the sign of the value used when referring to a line in calculation expressions in other lines.

If you mark the field “Carry Forward Inv. Sign,” the calculated value on G/L report lines will be used with inverted sign in other calculations. If you do not mark the field, the original value will be used.

Currency Island

Field Description
Sales In this field, you select the exchange rate table to be used for the sale of items/services and in connection with customers. This exchange rate table is often equivalent to the exchange rate at which the bank purchases currency. Exchange rate tables can be created in the workspace Exchange Rate Tables.
Purchasing In this field, you select the exchange rate table to be used for the purchasing of items/services and in connection with vendors. This exchange rate table is often equivalent to the exchange rate at which the bank purchases currency. Exchange rate tables can be created in the workspace Exchange Rate Tables.

If the enterprise currency is specified in the Euro exchange rate table, you can only enter an exchange rate table in which Euro appears as reference currency. This ensures a correct triangulation at conversion between amounts in enterprise currency and amounts in currencies outside of the EMU Cooperation.

Duty In this field, you select the exchange rate table to be used for the calculation of duty on purchased items. Exchange rate tables can be edited in the workspace Exchange Rate Tables.

If the enterprise currency is specified in the Euro exchange rate table, you can only enter an exchange rate table in which Euro appears as reference currency. This ensures a correct triangulation at conversion between amounts in enterprise currency and amounts in currencies outside of the EMU Cooperation.

Finance Budget In this field, you select the exchange rate table to use for conversion of currencies in the Budget module. When converting currencies in the Budget module, Maconomy always uses the exchange rate that was valid at the starting date of the fiscal year for which the current budget model applies. This exchange rate table is only used in the Budget module.

If the enterprise currency is specified in the Euro exchange rate table, you can only enter an exchange rate table in which Euro appears as reference currency.

This ensures a correct triangulation at conversion between amounts in enterprise currency and amounts in currencies outside of the EMU Cooperation.

Note: This exchange rate table is the default for its category and is superseded by the company exchange rate table.
Miscellaneous In this field, you select the currency table to use for other types of conversion. You can use this on both company and system levels.
Note: This exchange rate table is the default for its category and is superseded by the company exchange rate table.
Enterprise In this field, you select the currency table to use for conversion of currencies to enterprise amount.
Note: This global exchange rate table is the default for its category.
Enterprise Currency The enterprise currency is the currency used throughout the General Ledger. Amounts on entries in the G/L module are all converted into the enterprise currency to enable comparisons of entered amounts concerning companies working with different base currencies.

Furthermore, the enterprise currency is used in a number of setup workspaces in which amounts cannot be directly related to a specific company, for example, charge codes used across companies, as well as totals and credit limits for customers, as a total is based on registrations from several companies and as a credit limit has to be compared to this total. Grand totals comprising amounts from several companies will often appear in enterprise currency, in cases where it is not possible manually to enter the currency in which you want totals displayed.

Note that when you have selected an enterprise currency and pressed Enter, the enterprise currency can no longer be changed.

Standard Unit Here you enter the unit of the exchange rate. In some countries, exchange rates are given in the base currency per 100 of the foreign currency. In this case, the unit should be 100. You must enter a value here.
Exch. Rate in Ref. Currency This field and the field “Standard Unit” are used for specifying the way in which Maconomy is to interpret the exchange rates you enter for the currencies used in the workspace Exchange Rate Tables.

Mark this field if you wish to enter exchange rates as the price in the reference currency for a given number of foreign currency units. If, for instance, you mark the field and the reference currency of a given exchange rate table is USD, each line in the exchange rate table should contain the price paid in USD for 100 units of the currency on the line in question (provided that the standard unit specified in the field “Standard Unit” below is set to 100).

Remove the mark if you want exchange rates to express the price in the foreign currency for a given number of units of the reference currency. If, for instance, you mark the field and the reference currency of a given exchange rate table is USD, each line in the exchange rate table should contain the price paid in the currency on the line in question for 100 USD (provided that the standard unit specified in the field “Standard Unit” below is set to 100).

In the field “Standard Unit,” you can enter the number of units for which the currency price is to be specified in exchange rate tables.

Invoice / Credit Memo Island

Field Description
Show Tax Itemization Mark this field if you wish to itemize tax on invoices and credit memos. It is only relevant if you use several rates of tax.

Tax Island

Field Description
Standard Tax Code Here you select a standard tax rate. This standard overrides the tax rate specified in the item information card unless you apply differentiated tax or the item has a blank tax code (that is, no tax is applied). The standard tax code is also used for registering vendor invoices and to calculate tax from charges. You must select a standard tax rate.

Tax codes are maintained in the workspace Tax Codes in the G/L module.

You can add up to three different standard tax codes if necessary. To enable multiple tax codes, the system parameters “Show Three Tax Levels” and/or “Show Two Tax Levels” must be marked in the System Parameters workspace. When multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Standard Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Standard Tax Code 1,” “Standard Tax Code 2,” and, if enabled, “Standard Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

On Account Item Tax Code This field is only used, if the field “Use Tax Tables” and the system parameter “Get on account tax code from tax table” have been marked. In this field, you can enter an item tax code created in the workspace Popup Fields.

When invoicing on account, Maconomy will use the on account tax code to determine which tax code to use for calculation of tax for the invoice/credit memo on account, as the on account tax code along with the company tax code for the current sales order, credit order, job, and so on, is part of the selection criteria for a tax code in the workspace Tax Codes in the G/L module.

If the field “Use Tax Tables” and the system parameter “Get on account tax code from tax table” have not been marked, Maconomy uses the tax code specified in the field “Standard Tax Code” when invoicing on account.

Vendor Discount Item Tax Code In this field, you can specify a discount tax code for vendors to be used when adjusting for tax in connection with cash discounts granted. When rolling back cash discount tax, Maconomy will use this discount tax code for determining the G/L tax code (and consequently the G/L account) to be used for posting the cash discount, since the discount tax code for vendor along with the company tax code for the vendor in question is part of the selection criteria for a tax code in the workspace Tax Codes in the G/L module. Please note that if no G/L tax code can be found, the G/L tax code of the discount account is applied.
Standard Item Tax Code In this field, you specify an item tax code created in the workspace Popup Fields. Reporting codes are used by Maconomy for determining the tax code to be used in the calculation of tax on items, accounts, and activities, as the reporting code is part of the criteria for the selection of a tax code in the workspace Tax Tables in the G/L module. The tax table selected for the responsible company in the workspace Company Information is used in the selection criteria. However, the tax code is only selected from a tax table if the field “Use Tax Tables” has been selected in this workspace, and only if the responsible company has a tax table assigned to it. If no tax table is assigned to the responsible company, or if you use differentiated tax, and you do not use tax tables, Maconomy uses the tax code specified for the account, item or activity, depending on the transaction in question. If you use neither tax tables nor differentiated tax, Maconomy uses the standard tax code specified in this workspace.

If you use tax tables, and the system parameter “Get on account tax code from tax table” is marked, the tax code to be transferred to on account invoices is found in a tax table. But instead of using the item tax code specified on an activity, item or account, Maconomy uses the on account tax code in the field “On Account Tax Code” (along with various other information) to point out the relevant tax table line. If the system parameter “Get on account tax code from tax table” is not marked, the standard tax code specified in the workspace System Information is always used as the tax code on invoices on account. For further information about the information used to point out the correct tax code, please see the description of the workspace Tax Tables in the G/L module.

When posting entries, the reporting code is used for determining which tax report entries to create. Based on the tax report entries, you can create tax reports showing the tax and tax basis entries assigned to a given tax report field. However, this kind of reporting can only be made if extended tax reporting has been selected in the workspace System Information.

The value in this field is suggested in the field “Reporting Code” on individual lines in the workspaces Purchase Orders, Invoice Allocation, and Reallocate Invoices. See the aforementioned workspaces for a more detailed description.

Customer Payment Item Tax Code In this field, you can enter a default item tax code for customer payments created in the workspace Popup Fields. This item tax code is assigned to the customer payment when it is created. This makes it possible to derive different G/L tax codes for withholding tax on customer payments and withholding tax on the debit customer entries. If the field has not been marked, Maconomy uses the tax code specified in the field “Standard Tax Code.”
Extended Tax Reporting If you mark this field, you can print an extended tax report. The tax report specification is described in the workspaces Tax Report Fields and Tax Report Specification in the G/L module. The tax report is printed from the workspace Print Tax Report. See the workspaces mentioned for a more detailed description.

Statistics to Tax Authorities Island

Field Description
Max. File Size Enter the maximum size in Kilobytes of the report files Maconomy creates when you select “Create File” in the workspaces Sales List System Reports and Intrastat Reports. If the report is too big to be contained in a file of the given size, Maconomy divides it into smaller files. The highest value you can enter is 1400K, which is the capacity of a 3.5” HD diskette.
Entries per Declaration Enter the maximum number of entries Maconomy is to include in a declaration when you select “Create Entries” in the workspace Intrastat Reports. The highest value you can enter is 999, since each entry in the report form must be identified by a 3-digit entry number.
Intrastat Specification Here you choose whether Maconomy is to create item entries per item number or per CN Code, when you report to Intrastat. If you choose “By Item,” Maconomy creates a separate item entry for every item number when you select “Create Entries” in the workspace Intrastat Reports. If you choose “By CN Code” Maconomy creates one item entry for every CN code (that is, gathers items with the same CN code in the same entry).
Sales List System Rep. This field is to be marked if your company must report its EU trade to the EU Sales List System. You cannot make Sales List System Reports if this field is not marked.
Intrastat Import Rep. This field is to be marked if you company must report its EU purchases to Intrastat. You cannot make Intrastat Reports if this field is not marked.
Intrastat Export Rep. This field is to be marked if you company must report its EU sales to Intrastat. You cannot make Intrastat Reports if this field is not marked.

Rounding Island

Field Description
Round off Amount In this field, you specify if you want Maconomy to round off amounts at calculations, for example, at calculation of prices and discounts and currency conversions. If you mark this field, Maconomy will round off all amounts when performing calculations on the basis of the rules specified in the workspace Currency Rounding, and only for the currencies for which an internal rounding unit has been specified in the field “Round to” in the workspace Currency Rounding. Note, that this will produce various amount differences in the system.

Job Cost Island

Field Description
Created as Order If you mark this field, jobs will automatically have the status of being on order when you create them. If you leave it blank, jobs are created with the “Quote” status.
Hourly Rate Here you choose how to calculate the price of billed time spent by employees in the Job Cost module. You can choose between the following options:
  • By Employee, by which Maconomy uses the billing prices entered for your employees in the workspace Employees.
  • By Activity, by which Maconomy uses the billing prices entered for activities in the field “Billing Price” in the workspace Activities in the Job Cost module.
  • Employee Priority, by which Maconomy uses the billing prices entered for each employee in the workspace Employees. If the billing price of a given employee is zero, Maconomy uses the billing price of the activity that is retrieved from the field “Billing Price” in the workspace Activities.
  • Activity Priority, by which Maconomy uses the billing prices specified for each activity in the field “Billing Price” in the workspace Activities in the Job Cost module. If the billing price of a given activity is zero, Maconomy uses the billing price of the employee specified on the line in question.
Post Amount in Job Journal You can indicate by marking this field that entries to amount activities in the workspace Job Journal are to produce G/L entries in the event that the activity or job is not invoiceable, or if the job is not being capitalized. In other words, the job is to be expensed directly.

When marked, the cost in the above cases will be debited to the P&L account and the offsetting entry will be a credit to the offset account. These accounts are entered in the fields “P&L Account, amount” and “Offset Account, Cap.” in the workspace Activities in the Job Cost module.

Post Hours in Job Journal You can indicate by marking this field that entries to time activities in the workspace Job Journal are to produce G/L entries in the event that the activity or job is not invoiceable, or if the job is not being capitalized. In other words, the job is to be expensed directly.

When marked, the cost in the above cases will be debited to the P&L account and the offsetting entry will be a credit to the offset account. These accounts are entered in the fields “P&L Account, amount” and “Offset Account, Cap.” in the workspace Activities in the Job Cost module.

Department from Employee This field allows you to select whether the offset account for posting of time activities should be derived from the job’s or the employee’s department. If you mark this field, the cost will be recorded to the job’s department as usual, while the offset (income) will be posted to the employee’s department.

In combination with the system parameter “All Posting References from Employee Department” in the “System Parameters” workspace, this field can cause three possible scenarios:

  1. If this field and the system parameter are both marked, all account references specified in the Activities workspace are derived from the employee’s department.
  2. If this field is marked and the system parameter is not marked, the P/L account will be derived from the employee’s department while all other account references are derived from the department to which the relevant job belongs.
  3. If this field is not marked, the setting of the system parameter will be ignored as this field must be marked in order for the system parameter to take effect. In this case, all account references are derived from the department to which the relevant job belongs.
Fixed Markup (Amts.) Mark this field if you wish to use a standard fixed gross margin when you create jobs. If you mark this field, the sales price of amount activity entries will be calculated as the cost plus a gross margin that is found using the GM% in the field “Markup %.”

The value here is suggested in the field “Fixed Markup (Amts.)” in the workspace Job Information in the Job Cost module when you create jobs. You can always change the value in the workspace Job Information.

Markup % Here you enter a standard fixed gross margin percentage to be used when you create jobs. You can only enter a value here if you also mark the field “Fixed Markup (Amts.)” above. When you do, the sales price of amount activities will be the cost plus a gross margin that is calculated using this GM % taken from the cost.

The value here is suggested in the field “Markup %” in the workspace Job Information in the Job Cost module when you create jobs, but you can change it there.

Text Lines for Purchase Here you can mark that text lines in a job budget are to be transferred to the purchase orders which are created by the “Create Purchase Order” function in the workspace Job Budgets.
Allocation Method Here you can choose how time sheets are to be transferred to time sheet journals. It is possible to choose between the following three options: “One Entry per Day,” “One Entry per Week,” and “One Entry per Month.”
  • With the allocation method “One Entry per Day,” a job entry will be created for each day with registered hours. You should choose this method if you use daily descriptions and you want the descriptions to be available for printing on invoices.
  • With the allocation method “One Entry per Week,” a job entry, equivalent to the sum of the daily registrations for each time sheet line, will be created. The entry date is the one you have selected for the week in question in the field “Entry Date” in the workspace Week Calendars.
  • The allocation method “One Entry per Month” is equivalent to “One Entry per Week.” However, in weeks which extend over two months, Maconomy creates an entry for each month with time sheet lines covering registrations in both months. You hereby make sure that all registrations are allocated to the correct month.
Duplicate Lines on Time Sheet If you mark this field, it is possible to have more than one line in a time sheet with the same combination of job number, activity, task, and dimension values. If the field is not marked, you cannot have more than one line in a time sheet with the same registration combination, unless either or both of the lines are incomplete. See also the description of the system parameter “Allow Incomplete Time Registrations.”
Transf. Non-Appr. Time Sheets If you mark this field, it is allowed to transfer time sheets to a job journal before they have been approved.
Appr. by Supervisor, Time In this field, you can specify the extent to which the approval of time sheet lines by a supervisor should be allowed. The following options are available: “None,” “Optional,” and “Mandatory.” The value selected in this field is transferred as the default value in the corresponding field in the island Approval in the workspace Jobs in the Job Cost module. For further information about the functionality of each of these options, please see the description of the corresponding field in the workspace Jobs in the Job Cost module.
Appr. by Project Manager, Time In this field, you can specify the extent to which the approval of time sheet lines by a project manager should be allowed. The following options are available: “None,” “Optional,” and “Mandatory.” The value selected in this field is transferred as the default value in the corresponding field in the island Approval in the workspace Jobs in the Job Cost module. For further information about the functionality of each of these options, please see the description of the corresponding field in the workspace Jobs in the Job Cost module.
Appr. by Supervisor, Exp. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Appr. By Supervisor, Time” above, but concerns expense sheet lines.
Appr. by Project Manager, Exp. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Appr. by Project Manager, Time” above, but concerns expense sheet lines.
Verify Overtime In this field, it is possible to specify that the calculation of overtime in connection with time sheets is to be equivalent to the sum of the three time activities, which you specify in the workspace Time Sheets in the Job Cost module. If you mark the field, it is only possible to approve a time sheet if the overtime and the sum of the three time activities correspond.
Allocate Job Sales In this field, you can specify that the creation of a job invoice automatically makes Maconomy redistribute the accumulated sales on the job entries invoiced up till now. If you mark the field, you can then distribute the accumulated revenue of a job between the employees/departments who have worked on the job in question.

Note that if a job has been transferred to new dimensions in the workspace Job Transfer, the distribution will be carried out on the job entries with the new dimensions. This means that in the procedure of distributing the accumulated revenue of a job between the employees/departments who have worked on the job in question Maconomy will not consider entries with a posting date before the latest transfer date of the job in question.

Note that it is not possible to mark the field “Allocate Job Sales” if the field “Extended Tax Reporting” has also been marked. If you mark the field “Do Not Adjust Amount Activities,” this will furthermore be included in the job reallocation.

Do Not Adjust Amount Activities In this field, you can specify that the billing price of amount activities is to remain unchanged in connection with the actions “Transfer Fixed Price” and “Transfer Desired Sales Price” in the workspace Invoice Selection, and the actions “Create Credit Memo Selection” and “Create New Invoice Selection” in the workspace Job Invoice Crediting in the Job Cost module.
New Ord. when Transf. to Sales In this field, you can specify that the transfer of items automatically leads to the creation of a sales order. If you do not mark the field, new lines will be added to an existing sales order related to the job in question, if it exists.
Task Approval In this pop-up field you can choose how tasks in the Job Cost module should be approved when they are created or edited. You can choose between the following options:
  • None — Tasks created or edited in the Job Cost module are approved automatically and immediately.
  • All — When created or edited, tasks deriving an activity of any type must be approved by a user authorized to do so in the workspace Actions. Tasks can be approved in the workspaces Job Tasks, Task Lists or Approve Tasks in the Job Cost module.
  • With Time Activities — When created or edited, tasks deriving a time activity must be approved by a user authorized to do so in the workspace Actions.
  • With Amount Activities — When created or edited, tasks deriving an amount activity must be approved by a user authorized to do so in the workspace Actions.
Message at Cancellation of Appr. If a user edits a task which has been approved, the user should be notified in some way that the edit will revoke the approval of the edited task – the task will no longer be approved. In this pop-up field you can choose how the user should be notified.
  • Blank — No notification is given to the user editing an approved task.
  • Error — The user editing an approved task receives an error message, and the edit will not be saved. The task remains approved.
  • Warning — The user editing an approved task receives a warning. The user has an option to either undo his or her edit or carry on with the edit. If the user continues, the task will no longer be approved.
  • Remarks — The user editing an approved task receives a notice that the edited task is no longer approved.

Job Allocation Combinations Island

Field Description
Allow Dimension Intervals If you mark this field, it is possible to specify intervals in the workspace Job Allocation Combinations. The field is marked by default.

If you choose to unmark the field, none of the fields in the sub-tab of the workspace Job Allocation Combinations can be modified. However, none of the existing intervals will be affected if you unmark the field.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.

Sales Orders Island

Field Description
Gross Margin Here you select how Maconomy calculates gross margins. The information is used in printouts involving GM calculations, such as statistics. Choose from the following two methods:
  • From Costs Gross margin is calculated as a percentage of costs.
  • From Sales Prices Gross margin is calculated as a percentage of sales prices.
Back Order Method Here you select how Maconomy tracks back orders. The information is used for sales order entry. Select one the following two methods:
  • By Reservation Maconomy creates a back order if the item is unavailable when you create the order line. Therefore, the available stock determines whether an item is put on back order.
  • By Packing Maconomy creates a back order if the item is reported unavailable at the time the order lines are packed in the warehouse. Therefore, the number packed determines whether an item is put on back order.

Once Maconomy is in operation, you can only change back order method if the order and back order volumes are zero for all items at all warehouses. For information on how the order and back order volumes are calculated for a given item at a given warehouse, please see the description of the fields “Sales Orders” and “Back Orders” in the sub-tab of the workspace Item Information Card in the Inventory module.

Round Off, Item No. If you want to round off amounts on BOMs, you can enter an item number in this field. The specified item number will be used on the rounding line when itemizing.

Rounding lines allocate prices on a BOM so that the line price corresponds to the quantity of items multiplied by the unit price minus discounts. The line price at a given level will thus be equal to the sum of line prices at lower levels.

Including Back Orders Here you specify whether to show on packing slips and invoices, back order items that have not been invoiced. When this field is marked, these items are included.
Aut. Back-Order Allocation Here you select automatic back-order allocation. The field can only be completed if the back-order principle “By Reservation” is used.

If you mark the field, back-order items on an order line will be allocated at the time of item receipt. New items will thus be set for packing immediately and will not be included in the available stock.

Post by Item Group Here you select whether to post item sales by item group. If marked, Maconomy uses the G/L accounts specified in the sub-tab of the workspace Item Group Information Card to book item sales and cost of sales, when you invoice a sales order. This applies to entries of the type “Sales, Taxable,” “Sales, Nontaxable,” “Export Sales,” and “Cost of Sales.”

If this field is not marked, Maconomy uses the posting references in the workspace Posting References in the G/L module and the posting references in the workspace Item Group Information Card will be ignored.

Please note that when you invoice on account, the cost of sales are posted to the cost of sales accounts specified in the workspace Posting References in the G/L module. When the customer is later invoiced for actual goods, the on-account amounts are offset against the entries to the accounts specified in the workspace Item Group Information Card such that the sales and cost of sales are apportioned according to item group.

Credit Block Mark this field if you wish to block credit to customers who have exceeded their credit limit. When a customer has exceeded a credit limit at the time when a sales order is approved, Maconomy will block the order by blocking all order documents except the order confirmation. The credit limit calculation adds up the customer’s current balance and order volume and compares them with the credit limit as specified in the workspace Payment Information in the Accounts Receivable module. Sales and credit orders transferred to a job are not included in the calculation of the balance of a customer. Nor does the calculation of the order volume of a customer include amounts registered on the customer’s jobs in the Job Cost module, as the order volume is the expression of the sum of amounts on approved sales and credit orders for the customer.

Once a sales order has been blocked because the credit limit has been exceeded, you must revoke it in the workspace Unblocking. This is true regardless of whether the customer has reduced his balance below the credit limit. The workspace Unblocking can be used for viewing all blocked sales orders and to unblock individual sales orders.

Partial Delivery Mark this field if you wish to make partial deliveries of items sold in the Sales Orders module. When you create quotes and sales orders, Maconomy transfers the value here to the corresponding field in the workspaces Quotes and Sales Orders.

If “Partial Delivery” is not marked in a sales order, you can only print packing lists, packing slips and invoices when all ordered items are selected to be packed from stock. Also, in the workspace Packing Lists, you will only be able to approve a packing list if all items are packed. Finally, when you print a packing list in the workspace Print Packing List, you can only include sales orders that are marked “Partial Delivery” or for which all items are selected to be packed.

Post Quantity Mark this field if you wish to post quantities from invoices and credit memos to the quantity field for item sales entries in the G/L module. If you mark this field, Maconomy totals quantities from item lines and transfers them to the quantity field in the G/L entry when you post an invoice or credit order. The following methods are used:

If you post by item group, or if you have entered various dimensions on the item lines, Maconomy will group the G/L entries by item group or by combination of location, entity and project. The sum of the quantities with the same item group or dimension combination will be transferred to the quantity field in the corresponding item sales entry.

If you do not post by item group, and if all item lines have the same combination of dimensions, Maconomy sums up the quantities on all item lines and transfers them to the quantity field in the total item sales entry for the entire invoice or credit memo.

Dept. from Bill to Cust. If you mark this field, Maconomy uses the department of the Bill to Customer in quotes, sales orders and credit orders.

If you leave this field blank, Maconomy uses the department from the Ship to Customer’s information card.

Inv. Disc. from Bill to Cust. If you mark this field, Maconomy uses the invoice discount of the Bill to Customer in quotes, sales orders and credit orders.

If you leave this field blank, Maconomy uses the invoice discount from the Ship to Customer’s information card.

Fix Price Step This field controls how the field “Price Step” in the workspaces Invoices, Credit Memos, Quotes, Sales Orders and Credit Orders is used.

If you leave this field blank, Maconomy uses at least the price step chosen in the given workspace, but if the order quantity justifies a higher level, Maconomy uses the higher level.

If you mark this field, Maconomy uses the price step you specify in the invoice, quote, and so on, regardless of whether the order quantity justifies a higher price step (that is, a lower price).

Check Price List If this field is marked, Maconomy will verify that any items you enter in the workspaces Quotes, Sales Orders, Credit Orders, Invoices and Credit Memos exist in the price list you use. If an item is not in the price list, Maconomy alerts you.
Check Cost If this field is marked, Maconomy will verify if the cost of an item entered in the workspaces Quotes, Sales Orders, Credit Orders, Invoices and Credit Memos is zero. If it is, Maconomy issues a warning.
Total Packing List When you enter a new customer, the value of this field is transferred to the customer information card. If this field is marked in the information card of a delivery customer, and you select “Print Packing List” in the workspace Sales Orders, Warehouse Transactions or Picking Lists, Maconomy prints a packing list not only for the order in the workspace, but for all other non-delivered orders to the same customer. This field can be used for ensuring that old back orders are delivered with new orders.

If this field is not marked on the customer’s information card, Maconomy only prints a packing list for the current order.

Itemized Bar Code Entries If this field is marked, and you import bar codes, Maconomy creates an entry for each delivery or return. Deliveries for different orders will thus result in more than one bar code entry.

If the field is not marked, Maconomy creates a joint bar code entry for the whole import. This entry will therefore typically contain deliveries and returns for several orders.

Bar code entries are imported and approved in the workspace Bar Code Entries in the sales orders module.

Sales by Ship to Customer If this field is marked, sales and gross margin will be reported for the ship-to customer instead of the bill-to customer.
Due Date from Printing Date In this field, you can specify that the due date on invoices is to be calculated from the printing date instead of the invoice date.
Deliv. Date from Pref. Inv. Date In this field, you can specify that it is possible to enter the delivery date on packing slips manually in the sense that you can specify a date in the field “Pref. Deliv. Date” in the workspace Sales Orders.
Do Not Notify of Not Available In this field, you can specify that Maconomy does not give a warning if an item is not available when you create order lines.
Get Inventory From Item In this field, you can specify that it is allowed to operate with more than one warehouse. If you mark the field, the warehouse that is specified in the workspace Item Information Card will be selected.

Inventory Island

Field Description
Template Item Here you can specify an item number to be used as a template for items created in the workspace Item Information Card in the Inventory module.
Allow Back Dating Here you specify that it is allowed to backdate item movements. If you choose to do so, there are various reasons why you should consider it thoroughly:
  • A backdated item movement invalidates already completed inventory count listings with a later date than the date of the movement.
  • The result of carrying out a backdated item movement is often different from actually carrying out an item movement on the date in question. A backdated item movement will thus not include the registration of any cost changes for other costing methods than that of the item. Furthermore, backdated item movements of items with the FIFO costing method are carried out on the current item batch queue and not on the one which existed on the posting date.
  • Maconomy only allows backdating that does not make the information in the system inconsistent.
  • To all items regardless of costing method, it thus applies that backdating is not allowed if Maconomy as a result registers:
  • Item movements or cost adjustments earlier than the latest cost adjustment.
  • Cost adjustments earlier than the latest item movement.
  • Furthermore, for items with the “FIFO” costing method, there are three types of backdated item movements not allowed by Maconomy. These are:
    • Item movements earlier than the latest receipt by a warehouse with a negative stock at the time of receipt.
    • Receipt by a warehouse with a negative current stock.
    • Shipments from a warehouse with a positive current stock when the shipment subsequently causes destocking below zero.

Customer Island

Field Description
Template Customer In this field, you can specify a customer number. The customer specified will be used as a template when creating customers in the workspace Customer Information Card in the A/R module, if no template customer has been specified for a given company in the workspace Company Information in the G/L module.

For information to be inherited from the standard customer to new customers, you must set up a linking rule in the workspace Linking Rules. By creating a linking rule between the relations Customer and Customer and marking this linking rule as a “Standard Linking Rule,” the rule is automatically applied when creating customers, if you do not specify another linking rule when creating the customer.

If you create a standard linking rule with the linking method “At Creation,” information from the template customer’s information card is only inherited at the creation of the customer and it is thus still possible to change the information on the new customer’s information card. Such a rule is therefore very useful as default standard linking rule.

Using a template customer and a standard linking rule thus ensures fast and safe creation of new customers. If you do not specify a template customer in this field, information on new customers must be entered manually unless you create other linking rules and specify these at the creation of customers. See the description of the workspace Linking Rules for further information on the functionality of linking rules.

Reminder Charge Tax Code If you enter a G/L tax code here, Maconomy uses the reminder charge tax rate for this tax code.

G/L tax codes are created in the Popup Fields workspace.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Reminder Charge Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Reminder Charge Tax Code 1,” “Reminder Charge Tax Code 2,” and, if enabled, “Reminder Charge Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Cust. as Contact Company You can mark this field if you also want Maconomy to automatically create customers as contact companies, when you create customers.
Aut. Cred. Memo Reconc. Here you specify whether a credit memo is to be automatically reconciled with the matching invoice when it is posted. Automatic reconciliation requires that the credit memo is created from the invoice or that the number on the credit memo is manually stated on the credit memo.

Vendor Island

Field Description
Template Vendor Here you can enter a vendor number. If no template vendor has been specified for a given company in the workspace Company Information in the G/L module, the vendor in this field will be used as a template when vendors are created and assigned to the company in question in the workspace Vendor Information Card in the A/P module.
For Inventory Purch. In this field you can specify if you normally want to create a purchase voucher when a vendor invoice or vendor credit memo is not allocated to G/L accounts or jobs in the workspace Invoice Allocation in the A/P module. The value of this field will be suggested in the field “Inventory Control” on each line of a vendor invoice journal in the workspace Invoice Allocation. You can change the value of the field “Inventory Control” on the individual vendor invoice or credit memo line. Purchase vouchers are displayed in the workspace Invoice Reconciliation in the A/P module and are used to align item receipts from the Item Purchase module with vendor invoices from the A/P module.

You should mark this field if your company is using Maconomy’s Item Purchase module, and you to reconcile item receipts from the Item Purchase module with vendor invoices and credit memos entered in the Accounts Payable module. Any deviations between these will automatically be allocated as cost price and quantity differences. When this occurs, a purchase voucher will be created for every un-allocated vendor invoice or vendor credit memo when the vendor invoice journal is posted. This purchase voucher can then be seen in the workspace Invoice Reconciliation in the A/P module, where it can be reconciled with the corresponding item receipt from the Item Purchase module.

If the field is not marked, un-allocated vendor invoices and credit memos can be seen in the workspace Reallocate Invoices in the A/P module after posting. In this workspace, you can then allocate to G/L accounts or jobs. This allocation is independent of the payment of the vendor invoice. In other words, you can postpone allocation of a vendor invoice till after the entry has been posted in the A/P module, and until after payment has taken place if this is desired.

Access Control Island

Field Description
Password Required Select this check box to require all Maconomy users to use a password to gain access to the system. If selected, all users must use an access code which complies with the rules set up for access codes in the Access Information workspace. If you set up a new user, or delete an existing password, Maconomy automatically assigns a password to the user. You can then change this password in the Change Password single dialog workspace.

If you deselect this check box, users do not need to enter a password to gain access to Maconomy, and new users are not assigned a password.

You must have administrator rights to change this field.

Tax Office Island

Field Description
Vendor No. In this field, you can enter a vendor number to be used by the local tax office for tax settlement.

You can create duty codes in the workspace Popup Fields. These codes can be specified on items. The duty code of an item will be transferred to item purchase order lines on which the item is specified. If the item is delivered from another country than the standard country in Maconomy, a duty is calculated from the rate specified in the item’s duty code. The total duty affects the inventory value, and a purchase transaction regarding the vendor in this field is automatically created.

Advertisement Island

Field Description
Insertions per Form This field only has to be filled in if you have the Maconomy advertisement add-on module.

You must specify the maximum number of insertions to be printed on one advertising order page, created in the workspace Advertising Order. It must be between 1 and 10.

Subscription Island

Field Description
Show Subscription Sales and Credit Orders If you mark this field, sales and credit orders from the subscription module can be viewed in the workspaces Sales Orders and Credit Orders in the Sales Orders module. Subscription orders which have been running for a long period, or subscriptions with many issues create sales orders with many lines. It is relatively time-consuming to show such orders and their credit orders in the workspaces Sales Orders and Credit Orders, and it is therefore recommended that you do not mark this field.
Separate Sales Order Numbers If you mark this field, the number series “Subscription Sales Order” is automatically used when you create sales orders in the sales orders module from the subscription module. By marking the field, it is thus possible to divide your sales orders into sales orders created in the sales orders module and sales orders created in the subscription module.

Resource Planning Island

Field Description
Overtime, Empl. In this field, you can specify how Maconomy should react if hours have been planned for an employee and the planned number of hours exceeds the employee’s planning time resulting in overtime for the employee in question. See also the description of the workspaces Employee Absence Calendars and Detailed Planning in the resource planning module. In this field, you can select the following methods:
  • Ignore — If you select this method, Maconomy will not react if an employee is allocated more hours than the planning time registered for the employee in question. Maconomy will give a warning if planning slots are created for an employee on dates on which the employee in question is absent.
  • Give warning — If you select this method, Maconomy will give a warning if an employee is allocated more hours than the planning time registered for the employee in question. Maconomy will give a warning if planning slots are created for an employee on dates on which the employee in question is absent.
  • Give Error — If you select this method, Maconomy will give an error message, if an employee is allocated more hours than the planning time registered for the employee in question and the allocation will be cancelled.
Exceeding Task Alloc. In this field, you can define how Maconomy should react if more hours have been planned on a task than budgeted in the resource planning module resulting in exceeding task allocation. The method selected in this field is only relevant if you have not selected a method in the field “Resolve Exceeding Task Alloc.,” or if a situation with exceeding task allocation cannot be resolved by means of one of the selected methods. You can select one of the following methods:
  • Ignore — If you select this method, Maconomy will not react if exceeding task allocation appears.
  • Give Warning — If you select this method, Maconomy will give a warning if exceeding task allocation appears.
  • Give Error — If you select this method, Maconomy will give an error message if exceeding task allocation appears, and the allocation will be cancelled.
Resolve Exceeding Task Alloc. In this field, you can define the method to be used by Maconomy if more hours have been planned on a task than budgeted in the resource planning module resulting in exceeding task allocation. The method selected in this field is only a default standard shown when the workspace Detailed Planning is opened, and you can select another method in the workspace Detailed Planning than the one defined in this workspace. If you leave this field blank, Maconomy will not try to resolve the situation with exceeding task allocation, but use the method specified in the field “Exceeding Task allocation.”

If you select a method in this field, Maconomy will try to resolve the situation by removing the exceeding hours from one or more of those employees on whom hours on the task have been allocated in one of the following ways:

  • Remove Smallest Allocations First — If you select this method, Maconomy will remove hours from the employee(s) who have been allocated the fewest number of hours on the task in a slot (if there are allocations of hours which are not provided with a specification of an employee, these allocations will always be removed first).

    If, for example, employee A has been allocated a total of 100 hours on the task (with, for example, 0.5 hours on a Friday), and another employee has been allocated a total of 10 hours (2 days of 5 hours), Maconomy will remove half of the hours from employee A, as this is the smallest allocation.

  • Remove Most Loaded First — If you select this method, Maconomy will reduce the number of hours for the employee(s) who have been allocated most hours compared to the defined planning time. Allocation of hours with a specification of an employee is removed before allocations without a specification of an employee. In situations where there are more allocations with the same value, Maconomy will select the employees who do not have the employee category specified for the task as their primary category.

    Please see the description of planning time in the section “Central Terms in The Resource Planning Module” in the introduction to this module for information on the calculation of planning time.

  • Remove External First — If you select this method, Maconomy will reduce the number of hours for the employees who are not assigned to the company responsible for the job in question, and therefore are regarded as external. In situations where there are several external employees, Maconomy will select the employees who do not have the employee category specified for the task as their primary category.

    In those cases where all task allocations for these employees have been deducted, and if there are still exceeding task allocations, Maconomy will use the method “Remove Most Loaded First” as described above.

If there is still exceeding task allocation, which cannot be solved by Maconomy, the user might be given a message according to the method selected in the field “Exceeding Task Allocation.” If “Show Error” is selected, Maconomy will cancel the attempts made to solve the task allocation and display a message.

Detailed Plan Column Title Format In this pop-up field, you can specify the format of the column headings in the sub-tab of the workspaces Detailed Planning and Detailed Employee Planning (including the associated Portal components). Changing the format only applies if the planning unit is “Day.” If the planning unit is “Week,” the table headings always display the format “<week>, <short full date>,” for example, “20, 05-10-2004.” If the planning unit is “Day,” you can choose from the options in the table below:
Option Example
Ddd dd mm yyyy Mon 05-10-2004
Ddd dd Mon 10
dd 10

The format chosen in this field is used as the default value in the workspaces Detailed Planning and Detailed Employee Planning. Using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, you can add a similar field to those workspaces, whereby each user can choose a preferred format.