Expenses Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Expenses sub-tab.

Field Description
Expense Sheet No. Enter the number of the Expense Sheet to which this line belongs.
Entry Date In this field, you enter an entry date. Maconomy suggests the current date, if it falls within the time sheet period, or the starting date of the period otherwise.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the current expense sheet.
Reference In this field, you can enter a text as reference to the expense, such as a transaction number.
Quantity In this field, you can specify the number of units of the current activity for which an expense is incurred.
Unit Price, Currency In this field, you enter the expense amount in the currency selected in the field “Currency.” The amount should be entered including tax, if any.
Amount, Currency This field shows the total expense amount for the current activity in the currency chosen in the field “Currency.” The amount is calculated as the value in the field “Quantity” multiplied by the value in the field “Unit Price, Currency.”
Favorite In this field you can select a favorite. The favorites derive from the window Favorites. You can create and edit your own personal favorites, or other people, for instance a project manager, your department manager, or the finance department, can create favorites and distribute them to a selection of employees from the window Job Employees.
Task In this field, you can enter the task assigned to the specified expense.
Currency In this field, you can choose a currency. By also specifying an exchange rate for the selected currency in the below field “Exchange Rate,” the exchange rate specified will be used as default on expense sheet lines in the table part having the same currency as the one specified in this island.
Exchange Rate In this field, you can enter an exchange rate for the currency specified in the above field “Currency.” If you do not enter an exchange rate, Maconomy suggests the exchange rate specified for the currency in question in the window Exchange Rates.
Document Name In this field, you can enter the name of one of the documents in the document archive specified in the card part of the window.
Tax Code This field shows a G/L tax receivable code if the activity on the line is an amount activity.
Tax, Currency This field shows the tax amount in the job’s currency.
Submitted This field shows whether the mileage sheet has been submitted.
Submitted by This field shows the name of the user who submitted the current mileage sheet. The contents of this field cannot be changed.
Approved This field shows whether the expense sheet is fully approved. If you use approval hierarchies, this field is marked when the last approver has approved the expense sheet. Otherwise, the field is automatically marked when the supervisor approves the expense sheet, and the mark is removed if the sheet is reopened.
Approved by This field shows the name of the user whose approval resulted in the expense sheet being fully approved as described under the field “Approved.” If approval is not required, the name of the user who submitted the expense sheet is displayed.