Specification of Output Data Forms Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Specification of Output Data Forms tab.

Output Data Form island

Field Description
Output Data Format This field shows the output data format to which the current output data form belongs. When you create an output data form, enter the name of the output data format to which the form should belong in this field. You cannot change the format assignment of existing output data forms.
Output Data Form When creating an output data form, you can enter the name by which it should be known in this field. You cannot change the name of existing output data forms.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the current output data form. The description is only shown in this window.

Fields Island

The fields in this island reflect the fields in the island Electronic Payment Control in the window Payment Modes in the Banking module. The ten rows of fields in that island get their values from this window. In the table part of this window, you can further specify the values of the pop-up fields shown in the window Payment Modes.

The fields are unrelated to the fields defined in the window Specification of Output Data Fields.

Field Description
No. This field shows the number of the field. The number is used when a reference is made to the field from the table part of this window. Furthermore, the number in this field reflects the number of the row in the island Electronic Payment Control in the window Payment Modes with which you are working.
Fixed Text In this field, you can enter the name of the current field. This text is displayed as a label in the field “Description” in the island Electronic Payment Control in the window Payment Modes.

If you are using payment formats from several different banks in Maconomy, it is good practice to always use the same field for similar information. For instance, field 1 is always used for "Remittance Mode," field 2 for "Check Type," and so on. This is not mandatory, but important as Maconomy in the pop-up field in the window Payment Modes will display all the values defined for the current field (for example, field 1) in all payment forms in Maconomy. Some will not be applicable and cannot be selected, but it may confuse the user to have an option of selecting, for example, a check type in a field called "Remittance Mode."

Type In this pop-up field, you can specify the type of values to be selected in this field. For a description of the different options in this field, please refer to the description of the field “Type” in the window Specification of Output Data Formats. When the payment format is generated, the content of the fields is validated by the selected type, if a type is selected.
Complete If this field is marked, you can only use the field values specified in the table part of this window in the window Payment Modes. If the field is not marked, the user can enter a value himself/herself in the field “Value” in the island Electronic Payment Control in the window Payment Modes.

Remittance Island

In this island, you can enter labels for the pop-up fields at the bottom of the island Remittance in the window Payment Modes.

In those pop-up fields, you can select a field to be inserted in the remittance, for example, invoice number, transaction number, or due date.

Field Description
No. This field shows the number of the label, which reflects the number of the field in the island Remittance in the window Payment Modes, the label of which is specified here.
Fixed Text In this field, you can enter the label for the pop-up field to which the number in the field “No.” above refers.
Length In this field, you can specify the maximum length of the current field. If the remittance field is longer than this, it is truncated.

Form Tag Island

Field Description
Tag The fields in this island are used to generate XML-based payment formats, for example, the EU SEPA format. Maconomy will, if specified, create a tag in the XML payment file with the given name and the three attributes.
Attribute 1-3 Identification See the description of the “Tag Identification” field.
Attribute 1-3 Value See the description of the “Tag Identification” field.

User Island

Field Description
Created This field shows the date and name of the user who created the form.
Changed This field shows the date and name of the user who recently made changes to the form.
Version This field shows the latest version number of the form. The number is incremented by one each time a change is made to the form.