Specification of Customer Payment Forms Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Specification of Customer Payment Forms tab.

Cust. Payment Form Island

Field Description
Customer Payment Format In this pop-up field, you must select the name of the existing output data format for which you want to specify a customer payment form.
Cust. Payment Form In this field, you can specify the name of the customer payment form that you want to create for the current customer payment format. This is the name displayed in the pop-up field “Customer Payment Form” in the window Customer Payment Modes in the Banking module.
Input Data Form In this field, you can specify the name of the input data form that you want use for the current customer payment form. You can only specify an existing form. The form is used when you import customer payment files in the window Read Customer Payments in the Banking module.
Output Data Form In this field, you can specify the name of output data form that you want to use for the current customer payment form. Output data forms are created in the window Specification of Output Data Forms. You can only specify an existing form. The form is used when you create collection files in the window Collection Files in the Banking module.

Remittance Island

Field Description
Allow Remittance In this pop-up field, you can select whether the current customer payment form should allow for remittance of the customer. If you select “Yes” in this field, is will not be possible to remove the marking of the field “Notify Recipient” in the window Customer Payment Modes in the Banking module. If, on the other hand, you select “No,” you cannot mark the field. If you select “Partial” in this field, the customer payment mode is used with or without remittance. The field must be completed.
Length on Lines This field corresponds to the field “Max. Number of Characters per Line” in the window Customer Payment Modes and specifies the maximum length of a remittance line.
Maximum Number of Lines This field corresponds to the field “Number of Lines per Collection Order” in the window Customer Payment Modes and specifies the maximum number of lines allowed as remittance per collection order.

Validation Island

Field Description
Payer Identification Maconomy calculates a payer ID when creating invoices, interest charge notices, reminder letters, and so on. This payer ID will adhere to the validation rules specified in this island.

It is possible to specify a minimum length, a maximum length, and a modulus principle for the payer ID. You can choose between the modulus calculation principles that exist in the window Modulus Calculation in the Set-Up module.

Amount If a modulus principle has been specified on this line, Maconomy will calculate a control digit when creating invoices, interest charge notices, reminder letters, and so on. The concatenation of the amount and the control digit will adhere to the validation rules specified in the modulus principle.

It is possible to specify a minimum length, a maximum length, and a modulus principle for the payer ID. You can choose between the modulus calculation principles that exist in the window Modulus Calculation in the Set-Up module.

Global Location No. In the window Payment Information, you can specify a global location number for each customer. The current customer payment form can only be used for customers whose global location number matches the criteria set up in this row.
Agreement No. The functionality of this field corresponds to that of the field “Global Location No.” above, but refers to the field “Collection Agreement” in the window Payment Information.
Group No. The functionality of this field corresponds to that of the field “Global Location No.” above, but refers to the field “Collection Group No.” in the window Payment Information.

Collection Island

Field Description
Allow Blanket Collection In this pop-up field, you can select whether collections should be handled collectively for the current customer payment form, that is, all collections to the same customer are combined. If you select “Yes” in this field, is will not be possible to remove the marking of the field “Blanket Collection” in the window Customer Payment Modes in the Banking module. If, on the other hand, you select “No,” the field cannot be marked. If you select “Partial” in this field, the customer payment mode can be used with or without blanket collection. The field must be completed.
Currency Collection This field is not used in the current version of Maconomy.
Collection Total This field is used in connection with certain automatic payment service format. For Danish customers with “PBS” (Danish payment service agent) who have a “BS-Total” subscription, the payment agent (PBS) will send a manual payment form to the customer, if the customer in question does not have a payment agreement with PBS. If this field is not marked, a collection agreement number must be specified in the island Payment Control in the window Payment Information for the customer, for the customer to be collected. If the field is marked, this check is not performed, and the customer can be collected regardless of the presence of a collection agreement number.
Allow Zero Entries If you mark this field, collections with zero balances are included in the import. This will happen if the field “Include Collections with Balance = 0” in the window Customer Payment Modes in the Banking module is marked.
Include only Invoices and Credit Memos If you mark this field, collections for invoices and credit memos only are included in the import.
Allow Negative Collections Maconomy can join a number of customer entries in one collection. The total amount is the total of all debit entries (such as invoices) minus the total of all credit entries (such as credit notes). If you mark this field, the total amount for the collection can be negative.

User Island

Field Description
Created This field shows the date and name of the user who created the form.
Changed This field shows the date and name of the user who recently made changes to the form.
Version This field shows the latest version number of the form. The number is incremented by one each time a change is made to the form.