Teams Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Teams tab.

Team Island

Field Description
Team No. This field shows the number of the current team. When creating a team, you must specify the number of the team in this field.
Team Name In this field, you can specify a name for the current team.
Blocked If you mark this field, the team is blocked. This means that the team cannot be assigned to timing plan lines or job budget lines in other workspaces. You can unblock a team by removing the mark in this field.
Block when Unused If you mark this field, the field “Blocked” above is automatically marked for the current team when all jobs to which the team is assigned have been closed. However, reopening a job to which the team is assigned will cause the team to be unblocked.

The functionality only applies when the team is assigned to one or more jobs, meaning that the team is not automatically blocked if the team is not assigned to any jobs.

Transfer to Employee Control If you mark this field, the members of the current team will automatically be transferred to the employee control list of the jobs to which the team is assigned. If a given team member is already on the employee control list of a given job, the value in the field “Standard Task” in the sub-tab may overwrite the value in the corresponding field on the employee control list. For further information, see the description of the field “Standard Task.”

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level In this field, you can specify an access level if you wish to limit the access to using the current team. If you specify an access level, a user can only use the current team if he or she has been granted access to the access level in question or a superior level in the access level hierarchy. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to teams may depend on other factors. You can grant users access to access levels in the workspace User Access Levels. If you do not specify an access level in this field, all users will have access to using the current team.

This field shows the description of the specified access level.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.