Opportunity Budgets Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Opportunity Budgets tab.

Opportunity Island

Field Description
Opportunity No. This field shows the number of the current opportunity.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the current opportunity.
Status This field shows the status of the current opportunity. The value is taken from the corresponding field in the Opportunities window.
Phase This field shows the current phase of the current opportunity. The value is taken form the corresponding field in the Opportunities window.
Probability % In this field, you can specify the success probability percentage of the current opportunity. For further information about the probability percentage, see the description of the corresponding field in the Opportunities window.
Currency In this field, you can select the currency in which the figures in the opportunity budget are to be displayed and entered. If you change the currency after entering budget figures, the figures will be converted automatically. Please note that amounts are rounded when converted into a new currency. This means that changing the currency and subsequently returning to the original currency may cause the amounts to differ slightly from the original ones.
Budget Created This field shows whether a budget has been created for the current opportunity. It is only possible to enter information in the table part if a budget has been created. Budgets are created using the “Create Budget” action.

Template Job Island

Field Description
Template Job No. In this field, you can select a template job. When you select a template job, you can preview the budget of the job in question to determine whether the budget of the template job matches the opportunity in question. Once you have selected a template job and pressed Return, you can view the different budgets of the template job using the “Show Budget” field in the Budget Type island. Maconomy suggests the budget type marked as the standard opportunity budget type (see “Job Budget Types” in the Set-Up module). If no budget type is marked as standard opportunity budget type, the baseline budget of the template job is suggested.

When you select the “Create Budget” action, the budgets of all budget types for the template job are copied to the new opportunity budget. However, until the action is selected, the window shows budgets as a preview only.

Name This field shows the name of the job specified in the “Template Job No.” field above.

Contact Company Island

Field Description
Contact Comp. No. This field shows the number of the contact company to which the current opportunity pertains.
Name This field shows the name of the contact company to which the current opportunity pertains. You can change the name here, causing it to be updated accordingly in the Opportunities window.
Customer No. This field shows the number of the customer assigned to the contact company of the current opportunity.

Budgeting Island

Field Description
Hours Per Man Day In this field, you can specify how many hours are in a man day. In the table part, quantities for time activities can be specified either as a number of hours or a number of days. There are separate fields for specifying hours and days. When you specify a number of days, the corresponding number of hours is automatically calculated by multiplying the number of days by the value in this field. Similarly, when you specify a number of hours, the corresponding number of days is calculated by dividing the number of hours by the value in this field.

This field is also used for calculating prices per day from hour-based prices.

Start Date This field shows the expected starting date of the job based on the opportunity.
Expected Closing Date This field shows the expected ending date of the job based on the opportunity.

Budget, Base Island

The functionality of the fields in this island corresponds to that of the fields in the Budget, Base island in the Job Budgets window.

Budget, Currency Island

The fields in this island correspond to the fields in the Budget, Base island. The only difference is the fact that in this island, the amounts are shown in the currency selected for the opportunity.

Line Creation Island

The functionality of the field in this island corresponds to that of the field in the Line Creation island in the Job Budgets window.

Unit Analysis Island

The functionality of the fields in this island corresponds to that of the fields in the Unit Analysis island in the Job Budgets window.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the number and name of the company to which the opportunity is assigned.
Base Currency This field shows the currency used as the base currency in the company shown in the “Company” field above.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the User island.

Budget Type Island

Field Description
Show Budget In this field, you choose the budget you wish to preview, if no budget has been created for the opportunity, or the budget you wish to work with if a budget has been created. Once you have selected a template job in the “Template Job No.” field and pressed Return, you can view the different budgets of the template job using this field. Maconomy suggests the budget type marked as standard opportunity budget type in the window Popup Fields. If no budget type is marked as standard opportunity budget type, the baseline budget of the template job is suggested.

Employee Category Prices Island

The functionality of the fields in this island corresponds to that of the fields in the Employee Category Prices island in the Job Budgets window.

Limit Island

The functionality of the fields in this island corresponds to that of the fields in the Limit island in the Job Budgets window.

Billing Price Deviations Island

The functionality of the fields in this island corresponds to that of the fields in the Billing Price Deviations island in the Job Budgets window.

Copy Budget Island

The functionality of the fields in this island corresponds to that of the fields in the Copy Budget island in the Job Budgets window.