Linking Rule Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Linking Rule Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Internal Field Name In this field, you can enter the name of a field to which you want to assign a specific linking method. Using the action “Find Database Field” in the Find menu, you can choose between all database fields in the table selected in the tab. By entering a field name in this field, you can thus include exceptions to the standard linking method specified above in the island Linking Method. By assigning specific linking methods to the individual field names, you can, for example, create a rule with the standard linking method “Full,” and make exceptions to the fields “Name1,” “Name2,” ”Contact Person,” and “Payment Terms,” all being assigned with the linking method “None.” In this way, you can create a linking rule ensuring full accordance between the connected customers’ information cards except from specific fields whose values are to be independent of the parent customer’s values.
External Field Name This field shows the external field name of the database field specified in the field “Internal Field Name” above. The name cannot be changed here.
Linking Method In this field, you can select the specific linking method to be used for the current field name.